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Believe In Jesus Curriculum

Believe In Jesus curriculum is an exciting Bible-based curriculum on salvation

Believe In Jesus curriculum
is an exciting Bible-based curriculum on salvation which is summed up as believing in Jesus to be saved from your sins to live for God.
It has a Teacher Guide
and Puzzle BLAST! Levels 1, 2 & 3
for children ages 6—12 years old.
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Believe In Jesus curriculum is available for print purchase. 

Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide

Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide is an exciting Bible-based teaching resource on salvation

Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide is a comprehensive teaching on the reason, requirement, reality and result of salvation with Word-based engaging activities for each of its 13 lessons.
It starts with an introductory lesson on the love of God as the foundation for salvation. The remaining 12 lessons are divided into four main sections and teach on the problem of sin, God’s solution, invitation and response, and assurance of salvation.

Set Apart Child exciting Bible-based Curriculums
Exciting Bible-based Curriculums

Click on the curriculum titles to preview and buy.

Preschoolers Believe in Jesus curriculum - teaching preschoolers how to believe in Jesus
Believe in Jesus curriculum - teaching children how to believe in Jesus
Life of Jesus curriculum - teaching children about the life of Jesus
Bible Study on Joseph for older children and youths
Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Levels 1-3

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! levels 1 - 3 are exciting Bible-based learning adventure and explosions of 26 fun and engaging puzzles to help children learn what it means to believe in Jesus to be saved from their sins to live for God.

Believe In Jesus
Puzzle BLAST! Level 1

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Level 1 is an activity book for children ages 6-8 years old in the Believe In Jesus curriculum.

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Level 1 is a puzzle activity book for children ages 6-8 years old in the Believe In Jesus curriculum.

Believe In Jesus
Puzzle BLAST! Level 2

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Level 2 is an activity book for children ages 8-10 years old in the Believe In Jesus curriculum.

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Level 2 is a puzzle activity book for children ages 8-10 years old in the Believe In Jesus curriculum.

Believe In Jesus
Puzzle BLAST! Level 3

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Level 3 is an activity book for children ages 10-12 years old in the Believe In Jesus curriculum.

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Level 3 is a puzzle activity book for children ages 10-12 years old in the Believe In Jesus curriculum.

Believe In Jesus Puzzle BLAST! Levels 1-3

About Believe In Jesus curriculum

About Believe In Jesus curriculum

The Bible says: Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—Acts 16:31. Salvation is based on belief in Jesus and this comes through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible to believe in Jesus and yet not understand what the good news of Jesus is all about.

In our Sunday schools, majority of the children are from Christian homes; and at one time or the other, these children have answered an altar call at least once. Most children who are saved do not understand what exactly happened to them (even some adults do not). Yet that does not make their salvation any less genuine.

Believe In Jesus curriculum is an exciting Bible-based curriculum on salvation which is summed up as: You must believe in Jesus to be saved from your sins to live for God. It is written to help saved children understand and be assured of their salvation, and to encourage them into a living relationship with God. For the unsaved children, the hope is that the Holy Spirit will use these lessons to bring conviction to their heart and they will accept the saving grace found only in Jesus.

Believe In Jesus Curriculum has a Teacher Guide and Puzzle BLAST! Levels 1, 2 & 3 for children ages 6—12 years old.

Believe In Jesus Teaching Resources Downloads

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