Children Bible Studies

The Bible study lessons on this page are from
the Bible Study On Joseph Leader's Guide.
The ideal usage is to teach each lesson in the sequence
it is numbered to build precept upon precept.
However, you may teach a lesson
as a stand-alone if desired.
Click here to read the section on
how to use the lessons effectively.
Lessons from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Bible Study On Joseph is an exciting Bible-based curriculum for older children and youth to examine in depth the biblical character: Joseph with emphasis on God turning evil into good in his life and the relevance in their own lives. It has 16 lessons based on different aspects of the life of Joseph and corresponding life applications. Read more >>>
Bible Study Lessons
Lesson 1: God’s Word
Lesson 2: God’s Love In The family
Lesson 3: God’s Word And Dreams
Lesson 4: Temptation And Sin
Lesson 5: Serving Others
Lesson 6: Timing Of Events
Lesson 7: Gifts For God’s Glory
Lesson 8: Guilt And Forgiveness
Lesson 9: Taking Responsibility
Lesson 10: Attitude To Suffering
Lesson 11: Love In Action
Lesson 12: Forgiving Others
Lesson 13: Submitting To God’s Will
Lesson 14: Honouring Your Parents
Lesson 15: Faith In God
Lesson 16: God Turning Evil Into Good
Using the Bible Study Lessons Effectively in a Group Setting
Take time to pray for the Holy Spirit’s insight, the students and the class time before you start your preparation. It is necessary for you as the teacher to go through the lesson question by question and make notes as needed. Be an example by reading all the Bible passages, going through the questions and answers, and reciting the overall memory verses. Even though this is a Bible study material for children and youth, God’s Word is no respecter of age. In your preparation, allow God to minister His Word to you and be committed to applying what He has taught you to your own life. Believe God to use this Bible study to reveal Himself to you and the children and transform your lives to conform to the image of Christ so you can daily live for Him.
Bible Study Format
Bible Study On Joseph is a Bible study material designed to allow the students to answer most of the questions based on the Bible passages given. Therefore, you need to stress the importance of each student coming to the class with a Bible. In as much as you should encourage all questions and contributions, steer the students' discussion to focus on the theme for the lesson. Encourage participation from all the students while discouraging any one student from dominating the discussion.
The Lessons
Each lesson is based on an aspect of Joseph’s life except for the first lesson. The first lesson is the introductory lesson on the importance of studying God’s Word for knowledge and life application. The rest of the lessons are divided into two sections—a: Joseph’s life and b: its life application. The sections a and b of each lesson may be studied together or separately.
Memory Verses
There are the only two memory verses for the entire Bible Study On Joseph. Always start (and, if possible, end) the class by reciting the memory verses.
Main Bible Text
Usually most of the Scriptures for the lesson study on Joseph’s life are from the main Bible text but not limited to it. As the teacher, you may do a more intensive study on the theme by reading other relevant Scriptures. If possible, take time to read the main Bible text in class before you start the lesson.
The topic for each lesson indicates a theme from God’s Word that is focused on in Joseph’s life and its life application to the student. The questions in the lesson are tailored toward this theme.
The aim for each section summarizes what is to be studied in Joseph’s life or its application to the students’ lives based on the topic.
Always take the time at the beginning of each lesson to review the last lesson. This helps to refresh their memory on the last lesson.
These are background information and explanations provided where applicable to help the students know more, understand the questions asked, and guide the answers expected.
Those comments that give away the answers to the questions before them are given after the questions. When the students have finished answering those questions, take the time to read the comments before continuing with the rest of the study.
Where necessary, certain terms are defined to help the children understand the context those terms are used in the lesson.
Questions and Answers
Make sure to have every Scripture read aloud and encourage the children to use it to answer the corresponding question. In the lesson, brief answers have been provided as a guide. Feel free to still expound on these answers in your own study, or in the class discussion.
The intro questions in the life application sections enable the children to share their personal experiences. From the second lesson, the last questions in both sections encourage the children to articulate what they have learned. For these questions, there are no right or wrong answers. Guide the children to tailor their contributions/answers to the aim of the section.
Take time to pray in rounding up the lesson. The prayers should not be limited to the prayer points given.
The assignment for each lesson is the main Bible text to read for the next lesson. Encourage the students to do the assignment.
Ground Rules for the Group
Below are suggested ground rules for the group to adhere to:
Be orderly in all contributions. Receive the leader’s permission before asking or answering questions, reading the Scripture or giving any contribution.
Do not dominate the discussion. Allow others to participate.
Do not make fun of any contribution. Respect each other’s feelings.
Feel free to ask questions. Remember, there are no dumb questions.
Keep all personal experiences shared confidential. Do not look down on the sharer.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 1: God’s Word
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
Main Bible Text: Matthew 7:24-27
Aim: In this lesson, you will do a study on the importance of studying God’s Word for knowledge and life application.
1. Read 2Timothy 3:16-17 - All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
a. Underline the 4 things that God’s Word is useful for.
b. What is the result for you? That I may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2. Read Psalm 119:105. What does it mean for God’s Word to be:
a. “A lamp for my feet?” A guide to direct me.
b. “A light on my path?” A light to shine on my way to give me direction.
3. Read Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Underline the 2 things you will be able to do concerning God’s will when you study and renew your mind through His Word.
4. Read Matthew 7:24-27. What is the main difference between the wise and foolish builders concerning God’s Word? Obedience: the wise builder heard and put into practice the Word of God while the foolish builder heard the Word of God but did not put it into practice.
5. Read James 1:22. What you are to do with God’s Word? Do what it says.
6. Read James 1:25 - But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. Underline what happens to you when you hear and apply God’s Word to your life by doing it
7. Read Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28. From your previous* knowledge about the life of Joseph:
a. How do these two verses fit into Joseph’s life? Even though his brothers meant him harm by selling him as a slave, God used the situation to ultimately bless Joseph in Egypt.
b. How can you apply these verses to your own life? I should know that God is able to turn every situation in my life around for my good ultimately. This should encourage me to trust God more.
* - Be prepared that some of the students may not have previous knowledge on Joseph.

1. Thank God for this Bible study material.
2. Pray that God will use your study on Joseph to help you know His Word better and mold you to be a better person.
3. Pray that God will help you to be faithful in studying His Word.

Read Genesis 35:22b-26 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 2: God’s Love In The family
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, the importance of studying God’s Word for knowledge and life application was studied.

Section a: Joseph And His Family
Main Bible Text: Genesis 35:22b-26
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on the kind of relationship Joseph’s family had with each other.
Comment: Joseph’s father, Jacob (also known as Israel), descended from Abraham whom God entered covenant with. Abraham and his wife, Sarah, gave birth to Isaac. Jacob and Esau (his twin brother) were the children of Isaac and Rebecca.
1. Read Genesis 35:22b-26. What were the names of Jacob’s four wives? Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah.
Comment: Leah and Rachel were sisters. Jacob loved and intended to marry Rachel, but because of a trick played on him by Laban (Rachel’s father) he got married to Leah instead. Later, he married Rachel. Bilhah was Rachel’s maid, while Zilpah was Leah’s maid; and he ended up marrying both maids as well.
2. Read each Bible verse below to find out:
a. the name of the son.
b. the meaning of his name (if your Bible has a footnote, use it).
c. the son’s mother.
Genesis 29:32: a. Reuben | b. He has seen my misery; see, a son | c. Leah
Genesis 29:33: a. Simeon | b. One who hears | c. Leah
Genesis 29:34: a. Levi | b. Attached | c. Leah
Genesis 29:35: a. Judah | b. Praise | c. Leah
Genesis 30:4-6: a. Dan | b. He has vindicated | c. Bilhah
Genesis 30:7-8: a. Naphtali | b. My struggle | c. Bilhah
Genesis 30:9-11: a. Gad | b. Good fortune or a troop | c. Zilpah
Genesis 30:12-13: a. Asher | b. Happy | c. Zilpah
Genesis 30:17-18: a. Issachar | b. Reward | c. Leah
Genesis 30:19-20: a. Zebulun | b. Honor | c. Leah
Genesis 30:22-24: a. Joseph | b. May He add | c. Rachel
Genesis 35:16-18: a. Benjamin | b. Son of my right hand | c. Rachel
3. From your answers to #2 above, answer the following:
a. How many brothers did Joseph have? Eleven.
b. What number was Joseph among his brothers? Eleventh.
4. From the meanings of Joseph’s and his brothers’ names, what kind of relationship do you think existed between his mother and his stepmothers? They were in competition with each other.
5. Read Genesis 30:19-21. In addition to his brothers, Joseph had a sister.
a. What was his sister’s name? Dinah.
b. What was her mother’s name? Leah.
6. Read Genesis 37:2-4. What kind of relationship did the following people have with Joseph:
a. His father? Loving relationship.
b. His brothers? Hate-filled relationship.
7. What is the main thing you have learned about Joseph and his family?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on the kind of relationship God wants you to have within your family.
Intro Question: What kind of relationship do you have with each member of your family?
1. Read the following Scriptures to find out the kind of relationship God expects between the following members of the family.
a. Ephesians 6:1-2. Children to parents. Children are to obey and honour their parents.
b. Ephesians 6:4. Parents to children. Parents are not to irritate their children but they are to bring them up in God’s way.
c. Psalm 133:1. Between brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are to live together in unity.
2. Read 1John 4:7-11 and apply it to your family.
a. What kind of relationship should you have with every member of your family? I should love every member of my family.
b. Why? Because God loves me.
3. What have you learned about God’s expectation for the relationship between you and your family?

1. Thank God for what you have learned about Joseph’s family.
2. Thank God for every member of your family, mentioning each of them by name.
3. If you do NOT love EVERY member of your family, ask God to forgive you and help you to love them.

Read Genesis 37:1-11 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 3: God’s Word And Dreams
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, the kind of relationship Joseph’s family had with each other and the kind of relationship God wants you to have in your own family were studied.

Section a: Joseph’s Dreams
Main Bible Text: Genesis 37:1-11
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how God turned Joseph’s dreams into reality.
1. Read Genesis 37:6-7, 9.
a. What was Joseph’s first dream? He dreamt that while he and his brothers were binding sheaves of grains, his own sheaf stood up and his brothers’ sheaves gathered around his to bow down to it.
b. What was his second dream? He dreamt that the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed down to him.
2. Read Genesis 37:8, 10. What did both dreams mean? The dreams meant that he would rule over his brothers; and that his parents and brothers would bow to the ground before him.
3. Read Genesis 37:5-11. What feelings did the dream generate among Joseph’s brothers towards him? The feelings of jealousy and hatred.
4. Read Genesis 37:18-20, 26-28. What actions did his brothers take to make sure Joseph’s dreams did not become a reality? They sold him as slave to the Ishmaelites who took him to Egypt.
Comment: After 13 years, through God’s intervention, Joseph became the second-in-command in Egypt. Due to famine, his brothers came to Egypt and met him but did not recognize him.
5. Read the following Scriptures to find out how Joseph’s dreams came to reality.
a. Genesis 42:6-9. Joseph’s brothers bowed down to him with their faces to the ground the first time they went to Egypt to buy grain.
b. Genesis 43:26-28. Twice, Joseph’s brothers bowed down before him during their second journey to Egypt.
c. Genesis 44:12-14. When they returned the silver cup, Joseph’s brothers bowed down again to him.
d. Genesis 50:15, 18. After their father’s death, Joseph’s brothers bowed down to beg his forgiveness.
e. Genesis 48:21-22. Jacob put Joseph over his brothers.
Comment: In addition, Joseph’s dreams meant that he was going to take the position of the first son to be the leader of the family. Among the Israelites, the first son became the head of the family when the father died and received twice as much money and property as each of his brothers. Joseph’s first dream also became a reality when Jacob adopted both Manasseh and Ephraim (Joseph’s two sons) as his sons (Genesis 48:5). These two grandsons would each receive a full share along with Jacob’s other eleven sons, and by doing this, Jacob gave Joseph’s family a double share in the inheritance.
6. What is the main thing you have learned about Joseph’s dreams?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on the fulfillment of God’s Word and dreams.
Intro Question: Share a dream you had (or you wish you had) which you would like to become a reality?
1. Read Job 33:14-18.
a. Job 33:14 - What does God do? He speaks.
b. Job 33:15 - When does God speak? In dreams (vision of the night).
c. Job 33:16–18 - Why does God sometimes speak through dreams? To warn and to correct.
2. Dreams
a. Read Job 33:14. Dreams may be because of? God speaking.
b. Read Ecclesiastes 5:3a. Dreams may be because of? Many cares - which are things a person may be worrying about.
c. Read Isaiah 29:8. Dreams may be because of? What a person needs, in this case: food or drink.
Comment: The Scripture refers to all or part of the Bible.
3. Read 2Timothy 3:16.
a. Who is the source of the Scripture? God.
b. What is another term apart from the “Bible” that refers to the Scripture? The Word of God.
4. Read and compare 2Timothy 3:16 with Job 33:14-18. In what ways is the Scripture similar to dreams? In rebuking and correcting.
5. Read and compare 2Peter 1:19-21 with Ecclesiastes 5:3a. How is the Scripture much better than dreams? The Scripture is from God and is not based on man’s feelings.
6. Read Isaiah 55:11. When God gives you His Word, what can you be sure of? That it will come to pass.
7. From the above study on dreams and God’s Word, which one can you be COMPLETELY SURE will get fulfilled in your life - God’s Word or dreams? God’s Word.
8. What have you learned about the fulfillment of God’s Word and dreams for you?

1. Thank God that you can be completely sure about the fulfillment of His Word.
2. Thank God for His Word concerning you and the fulfillment of it.
3. Pray that God will reveal to you His Word concerning you.

Read Genesis 39:1-23 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 4: Temptation And Sin
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how God turned Joseph’s dreams into reality and the fulfillment of God’s Word and dreams were studied.

Section a: Joseph Overcoming Temptation
Main Bible Text: Genesis 39:1-23
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how Joseph overcame temptation in Potiphar’s house.
Definition: Sin is disobeying God’s Word or doing what is wrong, while temptation is anything or anybody that can lead you to sin. Temptation is not sin; but it will lead to sin if you give in to it.
1. Read Genesis 39:6. To what extend did Potiphar trust Joseph? Potiphar entrusted everything he had under Joseph’s care.
2. Read Genesis 39:7. What did Potiphar’s wife ask Joseph to do? She asked him to sleep with her.
3. Read Genesis 39:8-9.
a. What was Joseph’s response to Potiphar’s wife’s request? He refused.
b. Why did he have that response? Because he did not want to sin against God and he did not want to betray his master’s trust.
c. Who did he say he would sin against if he responded the way she wanted? God.
4. Read Genesis 39:10. For how long did Joseph maintain his response to Potiphar’s wife’s request? For quite a while.
5. Read Genesis 39:11-12.
a. What did Potiphar’s wife do to Joseph? She caught him by the cloak to try to get him to sleep with her.
b. What did he do in return? He left his cloak with her and ran away.
6. Read Genesis 39:13-18. Was Potiphar’s wife’s account of what happened true? No.
7. Read Genesis 39:19-20. What did Potiphar do to Joseph? He put him in prison.
8. Read Genesis 39:20-21. What did God do for Joseph where he was? God was with him and gave him success in whatever he did.
9. What did you learn about the temptation Joseph went through in Potiphar’s house?
Comment: From the study above, Potiphar’s wife asking Joseph to sleep with her was not a sin to him but a temptation. It would have become a sin to Joseph if he gave in to the temptation by sleeping with her. Realize that temptation will always come, but you do not have to give in to it and sin.

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how you can avoid sinning when you are tempted.
Intro Question: Share about an experience you have had when you have been tempted to do something that was wrong but you did not do it?
1. Read 1Corinthians 10:13.
a. What kinds of temptations will come your way? Temptations that others have experience before.
b. Why would God not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can withstand? Because He is faithful.
c. When you are tempted, what has God promised to do? To provide a way out.
Fear of the Lord
Comment: Joseph did not give in to the temptation from Potiphar’s wife and sin because he feared the Lord. (Genesis 39:9 - No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?)
2. In each of the verses below, underline what the fear of the Lord does for you.
a. Read Exodus 20:20 - Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
b. Read Proverbs 8:13 - To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.
c. Read Proverbs 16:6 - Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord evil is avoided.
3. In each of the verses below, how can you get the fear of the Lord?
a. Read Psalm 34:11. Listen to my parents for them to teach me.
b. Read Jeremiah 32:40. God will inspire me to fear Him.
c. Read Psalm 86:11. By praying to God for an undivided heart.
4. Jesus our example: Read Hebrews 4:15.
a. In how many ways was Jesus tempted? In every way.
b. Did he give in to the temptation to sin? No.
5. Read Hebrews 4:16. How do you receive help not to give in to the temptation to sin? Through drawing near to God.
6. What have you learned from God’s Word about how you can overcome temptation and not sin?

1. Thank God for the study you have done on how Joseph overcame temptation.
2. Pray that God will help you to apply what you have learned on Joseph in your own life.
3. Pray that the fear of the Lord will increase in your heart.
4. Pray that God will help you to ask for His help anytime you are tempted so that you will not sin.

Read Genesis 39:20-40:23 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 5: Serving Others
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph overcame temptation in Potiphar’s house and how you can avoid sinning when you are tempted were studied.

Section a: Joseph and Service
Main Bible Text: Genesis 39:20-40:23
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how Joseph served others in different situations.
1. Read Genesis 37:12-17.
a. What service did Jacob ask Joseph to do for him? To find out the situation with his brothers and report back to him.
b. Where did Jacob say Joseph would find his brothers? Shechem.
c. When Joseph got there, did he find his brothers? No.
d. Where was he told he would find them? Dotham.
e. What did Joseph do when he was told his brothers were in another place? He went there to look for them.
Comment: Joseph was sent by his father to find out if all was well with his brothers. On getting there, he found out that his brothers had moved on. He did not give up and go back home, but he continued to look for them even though that meant more work for him.
2. Read Genesis 39:2-6.
a. What did Potiphar put Joseph in charge of? Everything he owned.
b. How do you think Joseph served Potiphar even though he was a slave? He served diligently.
3. Read Genesis 39:20-23.
a. What did the prison warden put Joseph in charge of? Over other prisoners and everything done in the prison.
b. How do you think Joseph did his job in prison even though he was put in prison unjustly? With diligence.
4. Read Genesis 40:1-8.
a. Who were the two people assigned to Joseph in the prison? The cup bearer and the chief baker.
b. When Joseph saw them looking sad, what did he do? He asked to find out what was wrong.
c. Why were the two people sad? Because they each had a dream they did not understand.
d. What did Joseph offer to do for them? He offered to interpret their dreams for them.
5. What have you learned about how Joseph served others in different situations in his life?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how God expects you to serve others.
Intro Question: Share about a service you have done or you do for others over a period of time either at home, in school, in church, or in the community.
1. Read Ephesians 6:7. When you are serving others, whom are you actually serving? God.
2. In each of the verses below, how should you serve others?
a. Read Ephesians 6:7. Wholeheartedly as if I am serving the Lord.
b. Read Galatians 5:13b. Serve one another in love.
3. Read Galatians 6:10. From the following choices below, what should determine your service to others? The way I feel | The opportunity | Others’ reaction
4. Read Galatians 6:9.
a. What is God’s instruction about continuing to serve others? Not to become weary or tired.
b. What happens when you continue to serve others? I will reap a harvest, that is, be rewarded.
5. What have you learned about how God expects you to serve others?

1. Thank God for the study on Joseph and service.
2. Pray that God will grant you the grace to serve others from your heart always.

Read Genesis 41:1-14 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 6: Timing Of Events
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph served others in different situations and how God expects you to serve others were studied.

Section a: Timing Of Events In Joseph’s Life
Main Bible Text: Genesis 41:1-14
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how God determined the timing of events in Joseph’s life.
1. Read Genesis 40:9-11. What was the chief cupbearer’s dream about? His dream was about a vine with three branches whose clusters ripened into grapes. He squeezed the grapes into Pharaoh's cup and put it in Pharaoh’s hand.
2. Read Genesis 40:12-13. What interpretation did Joseph give to the dream? Joseph said it meant that within three days, Pharaoh will return the cup bearer to his former position.
3. Read Genesis 40:12. In how many days will the dream be fulfilled? 3 days.
4. Read Genesis 40:14. What was Joseph’s request to the chief cupbearer? To mention him to Pharaoh to get him out of prison.
5. Read Genesis 40:23. What did the chief cupbearer do about Joseph’s request? He forgot about it.
6. Read Genesis 41:8-14. How did Pharaoh get to hear about Joseph? When Pharaoh had a dream that nobody could interpret for him, the cup bearer remembered about how Joseph had interpreted his own dream and he told Pharaoh about the event.
7. Read Genesis 41:1. How many years had passed before the chief cupbearer mentioned Joseph to Pharaoh? Two whole years.
8. Read Genesis 37:2. How old was Joseph when he had those two dreams? Seventeen years old.
9. Read Genesis 41:46. How old was Joseph when he became the second-in-command of Egypt? Thirty years old.
10. How many years did it take for Joseph’s dreams to be fulfilled? Thirteen years.
Comment: After interpreting the chief cupbearer’s dream, Joseph told him to tell Pharaoh about him as soon as he got out. Probably if that had happened, Joseph might have been released, gone back home and would not have been around to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. But God had greater plans for him to become the second-in-command of Egypt by interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams.
As a boy, Joseph had 2 dreams which meant that his brothers would bow to him. These dreams were fulfilled when he became the second-in-command of Egypt.
11. What have you learned about God’s timing of events in Joseph’s life?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how God holds the timing of events in your life in His hand.
Intro Question: Have you ever had to wait a long time before getting something that was promised to you? Or do you know of anyone that was given a promise and had to wait a long time before it happened? Share either one.
1. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1. What is there for everything? A time.
2. Read Ecclesiastes 3:11.
a. Who determines the time for everything? God.
b. When does God make everything beautiful? In its own time.
Comment: God told Habakkuk about an event or revelation that would happen at a certain time in the future.
3. Read Habakkuk 2:3.
a. What did God tell Habakkuk to do if the revelation seemed to linger? God told him to wait for it.
b. Why? Because the revelation will certainly come and will not delay.
4. Read Jeremiah 1:12. What does God do to make sure that His Word gets fulfilled? He watches over it.
5. What have you learned about God’s timing of events in your own life?

1. Thank God for the study on the timing of events in Joseph’s life.
2. Thank God that your life and all the events of your life are in His hands.
3. Pray that God will grant you the grace to wait for Him to work things out in your life in His time.

Read Genesis 41:15-57 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 7: Gifts For God’s Glory
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how God determined the timing of events in Joseph’s life and how God holds the timing of events in your life in His hand were studied.

Section a: Joseph And The Interpretation Of Dreams
Main Bible Text: Genesis 41:15-57
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how Joseph gave glory to God for his gift of interpretation of dreams.
Definition: Gifts, in this context, refer to the abilities and talents you possess. To give glory to God for your gifts is to acknowledge Him as the One who gave you (or made it possible for you to possess) those abilities and talents and, as such, give Him praise for them.
Comment: Pharaoh had two dreams which no one could interpret for him. Then the chief cupbearer remembered that Joseph could interpret dreams and he mentioned this to Pharaoh. Pharaoh had Joseph brought before him.
1. Read Genesis 41:15. What did Pharaoh hear about Joseph? He heard that Joseph could interpret dreams.
2. Read Genesis 41:16. Who did Joseph say would interpret the dreams? God.
3. Read Genesis 41:17-21. What was Pharaoh’s first dream? His first dream was that seven ugly cows swallowed up seven fat cows.
4. Read Genesis 41:22-24. What was Pharaoh’s second dream? His second dream was seven thin heads of grain swallowed up seven healthy full head of grain.
5. Read Genesis 41:26-27. What do the two dreams mean? That there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of severe famine.
6. Read Genesis 41:25. How many interpretations did Joseph give to the two dreams? One.
7. Read Genesis 41:32. Why? Because the matter had been decided by God and He will do it soon.
8. Read Genesis 41:39. Who did Pharaoh say had made known the interpretation of the dreams to Joseph? God.
9. Read Genesis 41:40. What happened to Joseph because he interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams? Pharaoh put him in charge of his palace and all the people, making him the second-in-command.
10. What have you learned about Joseph giving glory to God for his ability to interpret dreams?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how you should give glory to God for your gifts
Intro Question: Share how you have used one of your talents and abilities to help other people.
1. Read Romans 12:6. What kinds of gifts (talents and abilities) does each person have? Different gifts according to the grace given to the person.
2. Read Ephesians 4:7-8. Who has given you your gifts? Jesus Christ.
3. God told the Israelites how He would bless them in the Promised Land. Read Deuteronomy 8:17-18.
a. What did God say the Israelites might say to themselves? “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.”
b. Would what they might say be true? No.
c. What has God done for them? He gave them the ability to produce wealth.
d. How are they to acknowledge what God did for them? By remembering.
4. Read 1Corinthians 10:31. What are you to do for the glory of God? Everything I do.
5. Read Isaiah 42:8. What will God not give to another? His glory.
6. Read Acts 12:21-23.
a. What ability did Herod display? He displayed the ability to give a great speech.
b. Why was Herod struck down? Because he did not give praise to God for the ability.
7. Based on the Bible passages above, how can you give God the glory for your talents and abilities?
- By knowing that my talents and ability come from Him.
- By giving Him the praise for them.
- By using them to help and serve others.
8. What have you learned about giving God the glory for your talents and abilities?

1. Thank God for all the gifts (talents and abilities) He has blessed you with.
2. Pray that He will help you to always give Him the glory for your gifts.

Read Genesis 42:1-38 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
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Lesson 8: Guilt And Forgiveness
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph gave glory to God for his gift of interpretation of dreams and how you should give glory to God for your gifts were studied.

Section a: Joseph’s Brothers’ Guilt And Forgiveness
Main Bible Text: Genesis 42:1-38
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how Joseph’s brothers dealt with their guilt through forgiveness.
Comment: As predicted, famine spread over the world after seven years of plenty. Back in Canaan, Joseph’s family too was affected by the famine. On learning that there was grain in Egypt, Jacob sent his sons except Benjamin to buy grain. Joseph had become the second-in-command at this time and his brothers did not recognize him for two reasons. First, they sold him into slavery, so they never expected him to be the second-in-command of Egypt. Second, the Egyptians dressed very differently from the Jews and Joseph must have been dressed as an Egyptian. Joseph, however, recognized them but decided to test them to see what kind of men they had become. So he made up a story that they were spies and threatened to punish them.
1. Read Genesis 42:21-22.
a. What did Joseph’s brothers say was the reason they were being punished? They said they were being punished because of what they did to Joseph.
b. Why did they feel guilty about the reason? Because they did not listen to Joseph’s distressed pleads for his life.
2. Read Genesis 37:31-33. When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery many years ago, what did they lead their father to believe? They led him to believe that some wild animal had killed Joseph.
3. Read Genesis 42:13. When Joseph’s brothers were talking to him, what did they tell him happened to their brother, Joseph? They told him that their brother, Joseph, was dead.
4. Read Genesis 42:38. Despite their feeling guilty, did Joseph’s brothers tell Jacob the truth about what they had done to Joseph? No.
Comment: Much later, Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers and he brought his whole family down to Egypt to live. After the death of Jacob, Joseph’s brothers sent a message to him.
5. Read Genesis 50:15. Why did Joseph’s brothers feel that he might still punish them for what they did to him? Because they thought Joseph might still hold a grudge against them and punish them.
6. Read Genesis 50:16-17. What did Joseph’s brothers ask him to do to them? They asked him to forgive them.
7. Read Genesis 50:19-21.
a. What was Joseph’s response to his brothers’ request? He forgave them.
b. Why? Because he knew that though his brothers meant to harm him, yet God turned their bad intentions into good for all.
8. What have you learned about how Joseph’s brothers dealt with their guilt through forgiveness?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how you should deal with guilt through forgiveness.
Intro Question: Have you ever done something bad to someone that you did not apologize to him or her IMMEDIATELY? Share it.
1. Read Proverbs 28:13a. What happens when you hide your sins and do not confess them? I will not prosper.
2. Read Luke 15:21. The prodigal son sinned against his father by asking for his inheritance at the wrong time and wasting it. In asking for forgiveness, whom did he say he had sinned against apart from his father? Heaven (God).
3. Read 1John 1:9. What happens when you confess your sins? God will forgive me my sins and purify me from all unrighteousness.
4. Read Proverbs 28:13b. What happens when you confess your sins? I will find mercy.
5. Read Matthew 5:23-24. How important is asking for forgiveness? Asking for forgiveness is more important than offering my gifts to God.
6. What have you learned from God’s Word about why you need to ask for forgiveness when you are guilty of wrongdoing?

1. Thank God for what you have learned on dealing with guilt through forgiveness.
2. Pray that God will grant you the grace to forgive as Joseph did.
3. Ask God for the grace to always ask for forgiveness from Him and the persons you have wronged.

Read Genesis 44:17-34 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
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Lesson 9: Taking Responsibility
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph’s brothers dealt with their guilt through forgiveness and how you should deal with guilt through forgiveness were studied.

Section a: Joseph’s Brothers And Responsibility
Main Bible Text: Genesis 44:17-34
Aim: In this lesson, you will do a study on how Joseph’s brothers took responsibility
Definition: Taking responsibility is taking up a duty, job or service to complete it and being willing to accept the credit (good or bad) for the outcome.
Comment: Joseph accused his brothers of being spies. To prove their innocence, they told him about their family—revealing they had a younger brother, Benjamin, at home. To test them, Joseph asked his brothers to bring Benjamin to him.
1. Read Genesis 42:37.
a. What responsibility did Reuben want to undertake? The responsibility of taking his brother Benjamin to Egypt and bringing him back.
b. What did Reuben tell his father to do to him if he failed? To kill both his sons.
2. Read Genesis 42:38. Did Jacob agree? No.
3. Read Genesis 43:8-9.
a. What responsibility did Judah want to undertake? The responsibility of taking his brother Benjamin to Egypt and bringing him back.
b. What did Judah tell his father to do to him if he failed? To blame him for the rest of his life.
4. Read Genesis 43:11-14. Did Jacob agree? Yes.
Comment: Note the difference in Reuben’s and Judah’s vows about bringing back Benjamin. Judah’s vow was much lighter and yet Jacob released Benjamin to him. It is possible that Jacob did not trust Reuben because he had slept with Jacob’s wife in the past (Genesis 35:22). Sometimes, a person’s character determines whether or not he is given a responsibility. So Judah took Benjamin along with them on their journey back to Egypt so that Joseph could verify their story.
On his brothers’ departure from Egypt, Joseph played a trick on them by putting his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. Then he sent his servants to accuse them of theft and search their sacks. Of course, the silver cup was found in Benjamin’s sack. As a result, Joseph threatened to make Benjamin his slave.
5. Read Genesis 44:18. Who spoke up to defend Benjamin? Judah.
6. Read Genesis 44:18-34. After recounting the story of his taking responsibility, what did this brother plead with Joseph to do? He asked Joseph to make him a slave instead of Benjamin.
Comment: Joseph was so deeply moved by the speech that he revealed himself to his brothers. He sent them back with lots of goods and carts to bring back their entire family. Benjamin returned back with them. Thereby, Joseph’s brother fulfilled his responsibility to his father.
7. What have you learned about the way the Joseph’s brothers handled their responsibilities?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this lesson, you will do a study on the importance of taking responsibility.
Intro Question: Share about a big job you were given to do and how you did it?
1. Read 1Corinthians 4:2. When you are given something to do (a trust), what is required of you? Faithfulness.
2. Read Luke 16:10. When you are given a little responsibility and you do it well, what will happen? You will be entrusted with greater responsibility.
3. Read Luke 19:12-13. What responsibilities did the master give his servants? To put his minas (money) to work.
4. Read Luke 19:16-17.
a. How well did this servant do with his responsibility? He earned ten more minas.
b. What was his reward? He was put in charge of ten cities.
5. Read Luke 19:20-24.
a. How well did this servant do with his responsibility? He did not earn any mina because he hid the mina.
b. What was his reward? His mina was taken away from him.
6. Compare 1Corinthians 15:58 with Ephesians 6:7-8.
a. How are you to do God’s work or any other responsibility you are given? I am to do God’s work or any other responsibility with all my heart.
b. Why? Because God commands it and I know that He will reward me.
7. What have you learned about how God expects you to handle responsibilities given to you?

1. Thank God for what you have learned about taking responsibility.
2. Pray that God will help you be a person of fine character and take your responsibilities seriously.
3. Ask God to always be faithful with whatever responsibility you are given to do.

Read Genesis 45:1-11 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
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Lesson 10: Attitude To Suffering
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph’s brothers took responsibility and the importance of taking responsibility were studied.

Section a: Joseph Attitude To Suffering
Main Bible Text: Genesis 45:1-11
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on Joseph’s attitude to suffering for doing right.
Comment: In Potiphar’s house, his wife wanted Joseph to sleep with her. When Joseph refused, she lied against him. Potiphar believed his wife and threw Joseph into prison.
1. Read Genesis 39:20-23, 40:1-8. What do you think Joseph’s attitude was like in the prison? He had a good attitude.
2. Read Genesis 39:20-23. What did God do for Joseph in prison? God blessed him by granting him favor in the eyes of the prison warden and giving him success in all he did.
Comment: For thirteen years, Joseph was a slave in Potiphar’s house and then became a prisoner unjustly. But through God intervention, he ended up as the second-in-command in Egypt.
3. Read Genesis 42:21. How did his brothers say Joseph felt when he was being sold as a slave? They said that he felt distressed.
4. Read Genesis 40:15. What did Joseph say about his being in Egypt while he was in prison? He said that being in Egypt was against his will.
5. Read Genesis 50:20. What did Joseph say his brothers thought they were doing to him? They thought they were harming him.
6. Read Genesis 45:5-8. How did Joseph see his being sold into slavery? He saw that it was part of God’s plan to save lives.
7. What have you learned about Joseph’s attitude to suffering for doing right?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how God wants you to respond to suffering for doing right.
Intro Question: Share about an experience you have had (or imagine) on suffering or being punished for doing what is right?
1. Read Romans 8:28. What does God do in ALL things for those who love Him? He works for their good.
2. Read 1Peter 3:17. What should you be willing to suffer for? For doing good.
3. Read 1Peter 4:15. What should you NOT be willing to suffer for? Being a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler.
4. Underline what you should do when you suffer:
a. 1Peter 2:20b. - … But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.
b. 1Peter 4:16 - However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
c. James 1:2 - Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.
5. Underline why you should endure suffering for doing the right thing:
a. 1Peter 2:21 - To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
b. James 1:2-3 - Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
6. Underline what the end result is for suffering for doing what is right:
a. 1Peter 3:14 - But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.”
b. James 1:2-4 - Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
7. Read Hebrews 13:5b. What is God’s promise to you even when you are going through suffering? He promises that He will never leave me or forsake me.
8. Read Hebrews 13:6. What should be your attitude to suffering? My attitude to suffering is to trust God as my Helper and not be afraid.
9. What have you learned from God’s Word about suffering for doing right and your attitude to it?

1. Thank God that He brings about good in every situation.
2. Pray that you will have Joseph’s kind of attitude to suffering for doing right.
3. Pray that God will grant you the grace to trust Him and have a positive attitude to suffering for doing right.

Read Genesis 47:1-12 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
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Lesson 11: Love In Action
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, Joseph’s attitude to suffering for doing right and how God wants you to respond to suffering for doing right were studied.

Section a: Joseph Showed Love To His Brothers
Main Bible Text: Genesis 47:1-12
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how Joseph showed love to his brothers.
Comment: After many years, Joseph was re-united with his brothers. He asked them to come to Egypt to live with their families so they would survive the famine.
1. Read Genesis 46:31. Who did Joseph say he would speak to concerning his brothers? Pharaoh.
2. Read Genesis 46:31-32. What would Joseph speak about? He would speak about his brothers tending livestock and relocating to Egypt.
3. Read Genesis 46:33. What did Joseph say his brothers would be asked? He said that they would be asked what their occupation was.
4. Read Genesis 46:34. How were Joseph’s brothers to answer? They were to answer that they had taken care of livestock all their lives as their fathers had.
5. Read Genesis 47:11-12.
a. Where did Joseph settle his brothers? The district of Rameses.
b. How was that place compared to the rest of Egypt? It was the best part of the land.
c. What did he also do for them? He also provided them with food.
6. Why do you think Joseph did all these good things for his brothers? Because he loved them.
7. What have you learned about how Joseph showed his love to his brothers?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how you should love others by what you do.
Intro Question: Have you ever gone out of your way to do something good for someone else? Share it.
1. Read Luke 10:27. What is God’s command to you about others? God commands me to love others as myself.
2. Read Romans 12:10 and Galatians 5:13. What is the common thing between these two verses? To do things for others out of love.
3. 1Corinthians 13:5 - …[love] is not self-seeking… What does this verse mean? It means to consider others’ interest and not my own only.
4. Read 1John 4:11. Why are you to love others? Because God loves me.
5. Read 1John 3:16. What is love as Jesus showed it? Jesus laid down His life for us.
6. Read 1John 3:17. How can love be shown in this case? Love can be shown by providing to meet the needs of others with what I have.
7. Read 1John 3:18. How are you to love? I am to love in truth with my words and actions.
8. What have you learned about the way God wants you to show love to others?

1. Thank God for what you have learned about showing love to others through Joseph’s actions.
2. Pray that God will help you to show love to others in words and actions.
3. Pray that God will help you to love others even as He loves you.

Read Genesis 50:15-21 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
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Lesson 12: Forgiving Others
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph showed love to his brothers and how you should love others by what you do were studied.

Section a: Joseph Forgave His Brothers
Main Bible Text: Genesis 50:15-21
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how Joseph forgave his brothers.
Comment: Even though his brothers sold him into slavery many years ago, Joseph made up with them and provided for them. After the death of their father, Joseph’s brothers sent a message to him.
1. Read Genesis 50:15-17.
a. What did Joseph’s brothers ask him for? They asked him for forgiveness.
b. Why? Because they thought he might still hold a grudge against them and punish them.
c. What was Joseph’s immediate reaction? He wept.
d. Why do you think Joseph had that reaction? Possibly because he felt sorry for them.
2. Read Genesis 50:18. What did his brothers offer to be to Joseph? They offered to be slaves to Joseph.
3. Read Genesis 50:19. Did Joseph accept? No.
4. Read Genesis 50:20-21. What did Joseph say he would do for his brothers? He said that he would provide for them and their children.
5. How do you think Joseph showed that he forgave his brothers? He showed his love to them by telling them that he did and by providing for them.
6. What have you learned about Joseph forgiving his brothers?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how you should forgive others.
Intro Question: Have anyone ever done something painful to you? Share it.
1. Read Mathew 18: 23-25. What did the servant do to the master? He owned his master ten thousand talents.
2. Read Mathew 18:26. What did the servant say to the master? The servant told his master to give him time to repay the money.
3. Read Mathew 18:27. What was the master’s response? He took pity on him and cancelled all his debts.
4. Read Mathew 18:28. What did one of his fellow servant do to the servant? The fellow servant owned him a hundred denarii.
5. Read Mathew 18:29. What did the fellow servant say to the servant? The fellow servant told the servant to give him time to repay the money.
6. Read Mathew 18:30. What was the servant’s response? He refused and had the fellow servant thrown into jail.
7. Read Mathew 18:31-34.
a. When the master heard what happened, what did he do? The master turned him over to the jailers to torture him until he paid back all he owned.
b. Why? Because the servant refused to have mercy on his fellow servant as his master had on him.
8. Ephesians 4:32 - Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Underline why you should forgive others.
9. Mathew 18:35 - “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”
Underline how you should forgive others.
10. Mathew 6:14 - For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Underline what happens when you forgive others.
11. Mathew 6:15 - But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Underline what happens when you do NOT forgive others.
12. What have you learned from God’s Word about how you should forgive others?

1. Thank God for what you have learned about forgiving others.
2. Ask God to help you forgive others at all times.

Read Genesis 48:1-22 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
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Lesson 13: Submitting To God’s Will
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph forgave his brothers and how you should forgive others were studied.

Section a: Joseph Submitted To God’s Will
Main Bible Text: Genesis 48:1-22
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how Joseph submitted to and did God’s will for his sons.
1. Read Genesis 41:50. How many sons did Joseph have? Two.
2. Read Genesis 41:51.
a. What was the name of Joseph’s first son? Manasseh.
b. What was the meaning of his name? “Forget” meaning “God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's household.”
3. Read Genesis 41:52.
a. What was the name of Joseph’s second son? Ephraim.
b. What was the meaning of his name? “Fruitful” meaning “God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.”
4. Read Genesis 48:8-9. What did Joseph say about his sons in reply to Jacob’s question? He said that these were the sons that God had given him.
Comment: In the Jewish culture, when it comes to blessing, the right hand is very significant. When blessing two people at the same time, the right hand is for the older, while the left hand is for the younger.
5. Read Genesis 48:13.
a. Who did Joseph intend for Jacob to put his right hand on? Manasseh.
b. Who did Joseph intend for Jacob to put his left hand on? Ephraim.
6. Read Genesis 48:14. What did Jacob do? He crossed his arms, putting his right hand on Ephraim and his left hand on Manasseh.
7. Read Genesis 48:17-18. Why was Joseph displeased about Jacob’s action? Because he wanted Jacob to put his right hand on Manasseh who was the firstborn.
8. Read Genesis 48:19. What was Jacob’s explanation? He said Ephraim would be greater than Manasseh.
9. Read Genesis 48:19-20. Did Joseph object after this? No.
10. Based on the above Bible passages, how do you think Joseph submitted to and did God’s will for his sons? He allowed Jacob to pronounce blessing on his sons as he desired because he believe that his father was doing God’s will.
11. What have you learned about how Joseph submitted to God’s will for his sons?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how to submit to and do God’s will for your life.
Intro Question: Have you ever being in a situation where your parent or teacher insisted you did something that was right even though you did not feel like doing it? Share it.
1. Read Matthew 6:10. What does God want concerning His will? God wants His will to be done on earth as in heaven.
2. Read Ephesians 5:17. What does God want you to do concerning His will? He wants me to understand what His will is.
3. Read Romans 12:2. How do you know about God’s will? By renewing my mind through God’s Word.
4. Read Philippians 2:13. What does God help you to do concerning His will? God helps me to desire and act out His will.
5. Underline what kind of prayer you should pray about submitting to and doing God’s will:
Psalm 143:10 - Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
Matthew 26:39 - Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
James 4:15 - Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
6. What have you learned from God’s Word about submitting to and doing His will for your life?

1. Thank God for His will for your life.
2. Pray about submitting to and doing God’s will for your life using the Bible verses under #5 above.

Read Genesis 49:29-50:14 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
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Lesson 14: Honouring Your Parents
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, how Joseph submitted to and did God’s will for his sons and how to submit to and do God’s will for your life were studied.

Section a: Joseph Honoured His Father
Main Bible Text: Genesis 49:29-50:14
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on the various ways Joseph honoured his father.
Definition: To honour your parents is to have great respect and admiration for them. Also, you honour your parents by obeying them.
1. Joseph honoured his father as a boy at home:
a. Read Genesis 37:12-14. What did Jacob tell Joseph to do? Jacob told him to go and see if all was well with his brothers and the flock and bring him back a report.
b. Read Genesis 37:15-17. How did Joseph honour his father? Joseph honoured his father by going the extra mile to obey his father - he went to look for his brothers where Jacob told him they were and when he did not find them there, he went further to look for them in another place until he found them.
2. Read Genesis 47:7. Joseph honoured his father in Egypt:
a. What did Joseph do to his father? He presented Jacob to Pharaoh.
b. How did Joseph honour his father? Joseph honoured his father by presenting him to Pharaoh.
3. Joseph honoured his father during the blessing of his sons:
a. Read Genesis 48:17-18. When Jacob placed his right hand on Ephraim, what did Joseph do initially? He was displeased.
b. Read Genesis 48:19-20. When Jacob insisted, did Joseph protest again? No.
c. How did Joseph honour his father? Joseph honoured his father by submitting to his father’s wishes in blessing his sons.
4. Joseph honoured his father concerning burial instructions:
a. Read Genesis 49:29-32. What instruction did Jacob give concerning his burial? Jacob requested to be buried in the cave his fathers were buried.
b. Read Genesis 50:4-5. What was Joseph’s request to Pharaoh? Joseph asked to be allowed to go to the land of Canaan to bury his father because he had promised his father he would do so.
c. Read Genesis 50:12-14. What did Joseph do about his father’s instructions? He carried out his father’s instruction.
d. How did Joseph honour his father? Joseph honoured his father by obeying his instruction about his burial arrangement.
5. What have you learned about the various ways Joseph honoured his father?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how you should honour your parents.
Intro Question: In what ways can you honour your parents?
1. Read Luke 2:48-51.
a. What did Mary say they had been doing concerning Jesus? Searching for Him.
b. What did Jesus say He was doing? Being in His Father’s house.
c. What did Jesus do by going with His parents to Nazareth? He was obedient to them.
2. Underline God’s instruction to you about your parents.
a. Exodus 20:12 - Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
b. Proverbs 1:8 - Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
c. Ephesians 6:1- Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
3. Why should you honour (obey) your parents?
a. Read Ephesians 6:1. Because it is the right thing.
b. Read Colossians 3:20. Because it pleases the Lord.
4. Read Ephesians 6:2-3. What is the promise that comes from honouring your parents? The promise that comes from honouring my parents is that it may go well with me and that I may enjoy long life on the earth.
5. What have you learned about God’s instructions on honouring your parents?

1. Thank God for your parents.
2. Thank God for what you have learned about the various ways to honour your parents.
3. Pray that God will help you to honour your parents in all you do.

Read Genesis 50:22-26 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 15: Faith In God
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, the various ways Joseph honoured his father and how you should honour your parents were studied.

Section a: Joseph’s Last Days
Main Bible Text: Genesis 50:22-26
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on Joseph’s faith in God about his future.
1. Read Genesis 50:24. When Joseph was dying, what did he say God was going to do for the children of Israel? He said that God was going to come to their aid and take them out of Egypt to the land of Canaan.
2. Read Genesis 50:25. What did he make his brothers promise? He made his brothers promise to take his bones with them at that time.
3. Read Genesis 50:26.
a. How old was Joseph when he died? One hundred and ten years old.
b. Where was he buried? In a coffin in Egypt.
Comment: About 400 years later, God fulfilled His promise and brought the Israelites out of Egypt with Moses as their leader.
4. Read Exodus 13:18-19.
a. What did Moses do about the bones of Joseph? He took the bones of Joseph with him out of Egypt.
b. Why did Moses take the bones? Because Joseph made the children of Israel promised that they would take his bones with them when God delivered them from Egypt.
Comment: The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness before they got to Canaan – the Promised Land. Joshua was their leader at this time.
5. Read Joshua 24:32. Where were Joseph’s bones buried? Joseph’s bones were buried in the place where Jacob had bought land in Canaan.
6. Read Hebrews 11:22. How did Joseph know that his instructions about his burial would be carried out? He knew his instruction about his burial would be carried out by faith.
7. What have you learned about Joseph’s faith in God for his future?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how you should have faith in God about your future.
Intro Question: Share a specific thing you would like to happen to you in future?
1. Read Matthew 6:25, 34. What is God telling you about your future? God is telling me not to worry about my future.
2. Read Jeremiah 29:11. What kind of plans does God have for your future? He has plans to prosper me.
3. Read Matthew 6:33. What should you concentrate on concerning your future? I should concentrate on seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
4. Read Philippians 1:6.
a. What has God begun in you? God has begun a good work in me.
b. What is the end result? He will carry on the good work in me until He completes it.
5. Read 1Corinthians 1:8-9.
a. What will God do about your future? He will keep me strong to the end.
b. Why? Because He is faithful.
6. What have you learned from God’s Word about faith in Him for your future?

1. Thank God that your future is in His hand.
2. Thank God for His faithfulness in ensuring a good future for you.
3. Pray that God will help you have the kind of faith that Joseph had in God for his future.

Read Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28 before the next lesson.
This lesson is from the Bible Study On Joseph Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 16: God Turning Evil Into Good
Memory Verses
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
In the last lesson, Joseph’s faith in God about his future and how you should have faith in God about your future were studied.

Section a: Joseph’s Life
Main Bible Text: Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28.
Aim: In this section, you will do a concluding study on how God turned evil into good in Joseph’s life.
Discuss how God turned evil into good in Joseph’s life in the following instances:
1. Read Genesis 37:19-28. God did not allow his brothers to kill Joseph, instead they sold him into slavery.
2. Read Genesis 39:1-6. As a slave in Potiphar’s house, God blessed Joseph so much that Potiphar entrusted all his possessions to him.
3. Read Genesis 39:20-23. In prison, God granted Joseph favor with the prison warden who put everything in the prison under his charge.
4. Read Genesis 41:1-14. God caused Pharaoh to have dreams which no one could interpret and caused the cup bearer to remember Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams. As a result of this, Joseph was brought out of prison.
5. Read Genesis 41:37-45. In addition to interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams, God gave Joseph the wisdom to give a plan about the interpreted dreams which led Pharaoh to make him the second-in-command in Egypt.
6. Read Genesis 41:50-52. God blessed Joseph with two sons and from the meaning of Ephraim’s name - God made him fruitful in the land of his suffering.
7. Read Genesis 37:5-11, 42:6, 43:26-28, 44:14, 50:18. God caused Joseph’s dreams about his brothers bowing down to him to come to pass so many times.
8. Read Genesis 37:5-8, 48:5, 20-22. God made Joseph’s dream about ruling over his brothers to be fulfilled by Jacob giving him double inheritance through his sons and declaring him as one who was over his brothers.
9. Read Genesis 50:19-20. What his brothers intended would harm Joseph, God caused it to turn into good to bring about the saving of many lives.
10. What have you learned about how God turned evil into good in Joseph’s life?

Section b: Life Application
Aim: In this section, you will do a study on how God will turn evil into good in your life.
Intro Question: Have you ever had a bad experience that turned out later to be good after all? Share it.
1. Read Romans 8:28. What will God do for you? God will work all things for my good.
2. Read Romans 8:32.
a. What has God done for you? He gave Jesus up for me.
b. As a result of that, what will He do for you? God will graciously give me all things along with Christ.
3. Read Romans 8:34.
a. What has Jesus done for you? He died for me.
b. What is He doing for you now? He is interceding, that is, praying for me.
4. Romans 8:35-39 - Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Underline all the things mentioned that CANNOT separate you from the love of God in Christ.
5. Romans 8:31 - What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Based on #4, what is the answer to this verse? Nothing and nobody.
6. Genesis 50:20 - You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. From your study on the life of Joseph:
a. How do these two verses fit into Joseph’s life? As seen in the answers of the previous section, many times when Joseph found himself in bad situations, God always turned them around for his good.
b. How can you now apply them to your own life?
7. Based on Romans 8:28-39, what is the guarantee that God will always turn any evil into good in your life?
Change the numbers into letters to find out (Clue – 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc.)
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
20 8 5 12 15 22 5 15 6 7 15 4
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
9 14 3 8 18 9 19 20 10 5 19 21 19
__ __ __ __ __
6 15 18 13 5
8. What have you learned from God’s Word about how He will turn evil into good in your life?

1. Thank God for the various ways you have learned from Joseph’s life about God turning evil into good.
2. Thank God for the conclusion of the study on Joseph’s life and all He has taught you through it.
3. Thank God for the love He has for you in Christ to always turn evil into good in your life.
4. Pray that all you have learned will not be in vain but will be fruitful in your life to increase your knowledge of God and help you to live for Him.