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Preschoolers Tract

Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Tract


To use this tract effectively, read the article on Preschoolers And Salvation.

You must believe in Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart 
to become part of God’s family and do things God’s way.


#1 - Know that God made you

part of His family

to do things His way.


#3 – You need your Jesus-heart

to become part of God’s family

and do things God’s way.


#5 – Know that Jesus died to take away your sin-heart and Jesus became alive

to give you your Jesus-heart.


#2 – But your sin-heart separates you from God’s family and doing things God’s way.


#4 – God loves you

and He sent Jesus for you

so that you can become part of His family and do things His way.


#6 - You must believe in Jesus for God

to change your sin-heart to your

Jesus-heart to become part of God’s family and do things God’s way.

This is how to believe in Jesus: With your heart and mouth.


If you would like to believe in Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your 
Jesus-heart to become part of God’s family and do things God’s way, 
then say with your mouth this Believe In Jesus prayer and mean it with all your heart:


Believe In Jesus Prayer
Dear God, I want to become part of Your family and do things Your way. Thank You for loving me and sending Jesus for me. 
I know that Jesus died to take away my 
sin-heart. And I know that Jesus became alive to give me my Jesus-heart.
According to Your Word, I say with my mouth that I believe in Jesus with all my heart. God, change my sin-heart to my Jesus-heart. Thank You, God, for making me part of Your family so that I will start to do things Your way. Amen.


God’s Word promises that when you believe in Jesus, God changes your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart, and you will become part of God’s family to do things God’s way. And this was what happened when you said the Believe in Jesus prayer. Now that you believe in Jesus, you have your Jesus-heart to become part of God’s family and start doing things God’s way because God says so in His Word.



I _________________ (name) believe in Jesus 
to have my Jesus-heart and I have become part of God’s family and will start doing things 
God’s way from today __________ (date).


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