Preschoolers Lessons

The lessons on this page are from
the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide.
The ideal usage is to teach each lesson in the sequence
it is numbered to build precept upon precept.
However, you may teach the lesson
as a stand-alone if desired.
Click here to read the section on
how to use the lessons effectively.
Lessons from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Preschoolers Believe In Jesus curriculum is an exciting Bible-based curriculum on salvation. The concept of salvation has been simplified for the preschool level to: You must believe in Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart so that you become part of God’s family to do things God’s way. More>>>
Bible Story
Using the Lessons Effectively
The lessons are divided into 3 sections with an outline at the beginning.
Lesson Outline
At the beginning of each lesson, an outline is provided for the teacher. It consists of the lesson number and title, the Bible text for the Word lesson and Word truth message.
Word Lesson Bible Text
Each lesson is based on one to two Bible passages which are Bible stories and a verse upon which the Word truth is based. Regardless of the young age group being taught, you must read the Bible text in preparation. For this curriculum to be an effective tool in transforming the lives of preschoolers, there is the need for you as the teacher to study the Bible text with the help of the Holy Spirit. As you do this, trust that God will grant you an understanding of the Bible text and make His Word come alive on the inside of you to minister to the preschoolers. You can only give what you have.
Word Truth
Each lesson focuses on a Word truth which is a personalized message. It is based on a Bible verse to plant in the heart of the preschoolers through continuous repetition.
The Word truth sums up what you are teaching the preschoolers to receive and act upon from God’s Word about the lesson. Since the lesson revolves around it, repeated emphasis of the Word truth will help the preschoolers articulate and remember the lesson.
Section 1: Word Lesson
This section comprises of the Word story and Word connection.
Word Story
All the Word story Bible text are stories to make them easy for the preschoolers to follow. The Word story is adapted from the Easy To Read Version Bible and modified to allow for smooth comprehension of the Word truth.
In teaching the preschoolers the Word story, make it as exciting as possible. If you choose to read the lesson to them, avoid using monotonous tone. Incorporate as many engaging varieties of interactive activities as possible to captivate them without distracting from the message you are teaching.
Word Connection
The Word connection explains and connects the Word truth based on the Word story to the preschoolers. It is a personal application of God’s Word to spur them to act on what they have learned. Spend some time to prepare with the help of the Holy Spirit so that you exemplify and relate this teaching as much as possible to the preschoolers in your class.
Section 2: Set Apart Time
This is a quiet time to get the preschoolers to pray on the Word lesson. The amount of quiet time you devote to this depends on attention span of the preschoolers you are teaching. Urge them to close their eyes to help them avoid distraction. You may ask them to repeat the prayer after you or get them to say their own prayers. See this as a learning process for you and the preschoolers. Remember that the Holy Spirit is available to help you and them.
Word Story
The preschoolers pray on the Word Story.
Word Connection
The preschoolers pray on how the Word connection applies to them.
Section 3: Follow Up Questions
These are questions to reinforce the Word lesson. As such, the questions are framed to recap the lesson with short answers required. The answers are just guides. Allow the preschoolers to answer the questions in their own words.
Word Story
These are questions on the Word story.
Word Connection
The questions are on the Word connection.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 1—God Made You
Word Lesson Bible Text
Genesis 1:1 – 2:3,8, Psalm 139:14.
Word Truth
God made you part of His family to do things His way.

Word Lesson
Note to Teacher: The presentation of the gospel to the preschooler uses a circular approach, rather than linear approach. Being part of God’s family to do things His way is the beginning and end of salvation for the preschoolers. In creation God made man in His likeness and image so that He could have a relationship and fellowship with him. And God put man in charge of all He made. This was God’s purpose for man. Sin has not changed that purpose. Hence, the reason for salvation through Jesus. As such, the preschooler needs to know that God’s purpose for them is to be part of His family to do things His way. This is the reason for and the result of their salvation.
Word Story
This Bible story is about how God made everything in the world and made people to be part of His family so that they will do things His way.
In the beginning, there was water everywhere and it was dark. On the first day, God said, “Let there be light.” And it happened. He called the light time—day and the dark time—night.
On the second day, God said, “Let there be sky.” And it happened.
On the third day, God said, “Let all the water be together so that there is dry land.” And it happened. All the water under the sky gathered into one place to make the sea and there was dry land everywhere else. God said, “Let the grass, plants and fruit trees grow on the dry land.” And it happened.
On the fourth day, God said, “Let there be the sun to shine during the day, and the moon and stars to shine during the night.” And it happened.
On the fifth day, God said, “Let there be fish in the sea and birds in the sky.” And it happened.
On the sixth day, God said, “Let there be every kind of land animal.” And it happened.
Then God said, “Now let’s make people who will be like us and part of Our family.” God took dust from the ground and made a man. God breathed into the man and the man became alive. Later, God made the woman. So God made people to be part of His family.
God wanted people to do things His way. So God blessed them and said to them, “Have many children. Rule over the fish, birds and animals.”
And all these things happened.
When God finished, He saw that everything He made was very good. God made the seventh day a special day because He did not do anymore work.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how God made everything in the world and made people to be part of His family so that they will do things His way, you will learn that God made you part of His family to do things His way.
When God made the sky, sun, moon, stars, trees, birds, fish, and animals, all He did was say that they should appear, and they did. That was how God made everything except people. God made the man and woman in a special way to be like Himself. That is because He wanted people to be part of His family. Also, God wanted them to do things His way. So God told the man and woman to have many children and rule over the animals. And He put them in a garden to take care of it. By doing all these things God told them to do, the man and woman were doing things in God’s way.
God had made people to be part of His family so that they will do things His way. God says in the Bible about you: [God] made [you] in such a wonderful way. The wonderful way God made you was to be like Himself. And because God made you like Himself, you can be part of His family. And because you are part of His family, you can do things God’s way. God made you to be part of His family. God also made you to do things in His way.
Know that God made you part of His family to do things His way.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, thank You for making the world: everything and everyone in it. And thank you, God, for making people to be part of Your family to do things Your way.
Word Connection
Dear God, thank You for making to be part of Your family so that I can do things in Your way.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
1. Who made the sky, sun, trees, birds, fish, animals, and people? God.
2. When God said, “Let there be the sky or sun or trees or birds or fish or animals,” did it happen? Yes.
3. What did God take from the ground to make man? Dust.
4. What did God do into man to make him alive? Breathe.
5. Who did God make people like? Like Himself.
Word Connection
1. Who did God make people like? Like Himself.
2. Who made people to be part of His family? God.
3. Who made people to do things in His way? God.
4. Who made you? God.
5. Did God make you to be part of His family? Yes.
6. Did God make you to do things in His way? Yes.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 2—Born With Sin-heart
Adam & Eve disobeyed God
Word Lesson Bible Text
Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24, Psalm 51:5 (CEV).
Word Truth
You were born with your sin-heart.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Adam and Eve did not do things God’s way and stopped being part of His family.
The man and woman God made were named Adam and Eve. God made them to be part of His family and He put them in His beautiful garden to do things His way.
God told Adam: “You may eat fruit from any tree in the garden. But you must not eat fruit from the knowing tree. If you eat fruit from the knowing tree, you will no longer be part of My family.”
Later, the snake came to Eve and asked, “Did God really tell you that you must not eat fruit from any tree in the garden?”
Eve answered the snake, “No, we can eat fruit from the trees in the garden except from the knowing tree. God told us, ‘You must not eat fruit from the knowing tree, or you will no longer be part of My family.’”
The snake lied to Eve and told her that it was okay for her to eat the fruit from the knowing tree. So Eve took some of the fruit from the knowing tree and ate it. And she gave Adam some of the fruit, and he ate it.
Both Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit from the knowing tree. From that time, Adam and Eve were no longer part of God’s family. And they could no longer to do things His way.
Then God sent Adam and Eve out of His beautiful garden.
Note to Teacher: The penalty for Adam’s disobedience is death. This death resulted in the sin nature. These are difficult concepts to teach a preschooler. As a result, the term sin-heart is introduced. And throughout this curriculum, it is personalized to help the preschooler know that it is applicable to them. Hence the phrase: their sin-heart. For more details, read the article on Preschoolers And Salvation.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Adam and Eve did not do things God’s way and stopped being part of His family, you will learn that you were born with your sin-heart.
When God made Adam and Eve part of His family, He gave them hearts like His own so that they could do things His way. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, their hearts became their sin-hearts. They were no longer part of God’s family and were not able to do things God’s way. Since then, everyone was born with their sin-heart.
You were born with your sin-heart as well. God says in the Bible about you: [You] have sinned and done wrong… since [you] was born. Anything that is not done in God’s way is a sin and it is done wrong. It is your sin-heart that makes you sin and do what is wrong.
Because you were born with your sin-heart, you cannot be part of God’s family. Also, because you were born with your sin-heart, you are not able do things God’s way.
Know that you were born with your sin-heart. But what God wants for you is to be part of His family so that you will do things in His way.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, help me not to disobey You like Adam and Eve did.
Word Connection
Dear God, thank You that even though I was born with my sin-heart, You still want me to be part of Your family so that I will do things in Your way.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Which tree did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat from? Knowing Tree.
Who came to Eve to lie to her? The snake.
What did Adam and Eve do with the fruit from the knowing tree? Ate it.
Where did God send Adam and Eve out of? His beautiful garden.
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, were they still part of God’s family? No.
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, were they still able to do things God’s way? No.
Word Connection
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, what did their hearts become? Their in-hearts.
Since then, what heart was everyone born with? Their sin-heart.
What heart were you born with? My sin-heart.
Since from when have you sinned and done wrong? Since I was born.
What makes you sin or do wrong things? My sin-heart.
Because you were born with your sin-heart, whose family are you not part of? God’s.
Because you were born with your sin-heart, in whose way are you not able do things? God’s.
But who wants for you is to be part of His family and do things His way? God.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 3—Because Of Sin-heart
Noah & the flood
Word Lesson Bible Text
Genesis 6:1-14,22, 7:1-10,23, Isaiah 59:2.
Word Truth
Your sin-heart separates you from God’s family and doing things God’s way.

Word Lesson
Note to Teacher: Sin is the breaking of God’s law (1John 3:4). Therefore, in relation to salvation, efforts have been made to avoid associating sin with doing bad things.
Word Story
This Bible story is about how God got rid of people because they were not doing things His way.
After Adam and Eve, there were more people born with their sin-hearts. These people were not part of God’s family, and they could not do things in God’s way. They were sinning and not doing things in God’s way. God was sad and sorry that He had made people. So, He decided to get rid of the people.
But there was a man called Noah who tried to do things in God’s way even though he was born with his sin-heart. And God was happy with Noah. God asked Noah to build a big boat. So, Noah built the big boat the way God told him.
When he finished building it, God said to Noah, “I have seen that you are a good man, so bring together your family, and all of you go into the boat.”
God also said to Noah, “Get seven pairs (seven males and seven females) of every kind of some animals. And get one pair (one male and one female) of every other animals. Lead all these animals into the boat with you.” Noah did everything God told him to do.
God told Noah that He would send much rain to destroy everything He made. Then God sent rain for forty days and nights. In this way God destroyed every living thing—every person and every animal. All that was left were Noah and his family and the animals that were with him in the boat.
Note to Teacher: The penalty for sin is death which is spiritual separation from God. For the preschooler, the result of their sin or their sin-heart is explained as being separated from God’s family and being unable to do things in God’s way.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how God got rid of people because they were not doing things His way, you will learn that your sin-heart separates you from God’s family and doing things God’s way. The people were born with their sin-hearts. They were not part of God’s family and they could not do things in God’s way. They were sinning and not doing things in God’s way.
Just like the people, you were born with your sin-heart. So you are not part of God’s family and you cannot do things God’s way.
God says in the Bible about you: It is your sins that separate you from your God. To sin is to do things that are not in God’s way. And your sins will separated you from God.
You were born with your sin-heart and that is why you sin. Because of your sin-heart, you sin and are separated from God. Your sin-heart separates you from God’s family and God’s way of doing things. But remember that what God wants for you is to be part of His family so that you will do things in His way.
Know that your sin-heart separates you from God’s family and doing things God’s way.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, help me to do what you want like Noah did.
Word Connection
Dear God, help me to learn how to be part of Your family so that I will do things in Your way.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Who were sinning and not doing things in God’s way? The people.
What did God feel about the people? Sad and sorry.
Who tried to do things in God’s way even though he was born with his sin-heart? Noah.
What did God ask Noah to build? A big boat.
What did God send for forty days and nights? Rain.
What happened to everyone outside the boat when the rains came? They died.
Word Connection
Why do you sin and not do things in God’s way? My sin-heart.
Who does sin separate you from? God.
What separates you from God’s family? My sin-heart.
Why cannot you not do things God’s way? My sin-heart.
But who wants for you is to be part of His family? God.
Who also wants you do things in His way? God.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 4—Need Your Jesus-heart
Peter & Cornelius
Word Lesson Bible Text
Acts 10:1-48, John 14:6.
Word Truth
You need your Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family and do things God’s way.

Word Lesson
Note to Teacher: Even though associating sin with doing bad things have been avoided, yet given an average child’s upbringing to do good or be a good child, doing good things or being good need to be addressed. So, it is imperative to differentiate good works from salvation. So far, the preschooler has been taught that the problem of salvation is sin or their sin-heart. Therefore, the solution of salvation which is a new birth in Jesus is termed as their Jesus-heart.
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Cornelius who tried to do good things still needed his Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family. And he also needed his Jesus-heart so that he would do things in God’s way.
In the city of Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a Roman army officer. Cornelius gave much of his money to the poor and he prayed to God often. Yet he still had his sin-heart. But God wanted Cornelius to have his Jesus-heart, so he would become part of God’s family and he would start doing things in God’s way. So, one afternoon when Cornelius was praying, God asked him to send for Peter in Joppa. Then Cornelius sent three men to Joppa.
The next day in Joppa, God gave Peter a dream while he was waiting for food to be ready. In that dream, Peter saw a big sheet coming down through the open sky. In the sheet was all kinds of animals including those which Jews did not eat. A voice told him to kill any of the animals and eat it. Even though Peter was hungry, he refused. But the voice said that God had made the animals, so they were okay to eat. This happened three times.
As Peter wondered what this dream meant, the men from Cornelius came to the house and asked for Him. God told Peter to go with the men. God knew that Peter would not want to go to Cornelius’ house because he was not a Jew. So God used the dream to tell Peter that the good news of Jesus was for everyone. And Cornelius needed to hear the good news of Jesus so that he would receive his Jesus-heart.
Then Peter went to Cornelius’ house. Cornelius was waiting for Peter and had already gathered his family and close friends at his house. Peter told Cornelius and all the people in his house the good news about Jesus. While Peter was still speaking, God’s Spirit came down on Cornelius and all the people listening. So they received their Jesus-hearts to become part of God’s family and they started doing things in God’s way.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Cornelius who tried to do good things still needed his Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family and also needed his Jesus-heart so that he would do things in God’s way, you will learn that you need your Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family and do things God’s way.
Even though Cornelius gave money to the poor and prayed to God yet doing those things did not make him part of God’s family. And because he was not part of God’s family, he could not do those good things in God’s way. That was why God had Cornelius send for Peter to come and tell him the good news about Jesus. Cornelius needed his Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family so that he would do things in God’s way.
The only way to be part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way is through Jesus. Many people including you do good things. But doing good things does not make it God’s way of doing things. The only way to do good things in God’s way is to be part of God’s family. And you need your Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family.
Like Cornelius, doing good things without your Jesus-heart will not make you part of God’s family. Also, you need your Jesus-heart to do things in God’s way. That is why God says in the Bible to you: The only way to [God] is through [Jesus]. God wants you to be part of His family so that you will do things in His way.
Know that you need your Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family and do things God’s way.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, thank You for showing me, like you did Cornelius, that I need my Jesus-heart to be part of Your family so that I will do things in Your way.
Word Connection
Dear God, help me to learn how to have my Jesus-heart so that I will be part of Your family and do things in Your way.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Who gave much of his money to the poor and prayed to God often? Cornelius.
Who did God tell Cornelius to send for? Peter.
What was in the big sheet Peter saw in his dream? Animals.
Was it because Cornelius was not a Jew that Peter did not want to go to his house? Yes.
Who did God use the dream to tell Peter that the good news of Jesus was for? Everyone.
What did Cornelius need to be part of God’s family and do things God’s way? His Jesus-heart.
Peter told Cornelius and all the people in his house the good news about who? Jesus.
Word Connection
What hearts did Cornelius and all the people in his house receive as they listened to the good news about Jesus? Their Jesus-hearts.
Who is the only way to God? Jesus.
Will doing good things make you part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way? No.
What do you need to be part of God’s family? My Jesus-heart.
What do you need to do things in God’s way? My Jesus-heart.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 5—God Loves You
The birth of Jesus
Word Lesson Bible Text
Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 2:8-20, John 3:16.
Word Truth
God loves you and sent Jesus for you.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Jesus was born.
Jesus’ mother Mary was engaged to marry Joseph. But before they married, he learned that she was expecting a baby. The Holy Spirit made Mary become pregnant. But Joseph did not want to marry Mary anymore. So an angel from God came to him in a dream.
The angel said, “Joseph, don’t be afraid to accept Mary to be your wife. The baby inside her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son. You will name Him Jesus because He will take away people’s sin-hearts.”
When Joseph woke up, he did what the Lord’s angel told him to do. He married Mary. Just like God told him, when Mary gave birth to the baby, Joseph named Him: Jesus.
That night, some shepherds were out in the fields near Bethlehem watching their sheep. An angel of God appeared to them.
The angel told the shepherds, “I have some very good news for you—news that will make everyone happy. Today Jesus was born in Bethlehem.”
Then many angels from heaven joined the first angel, and they were all praising God. After the angels left and went back to heaven, the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem and see the wonderful baby God told them about. So they went running and found Mary and Joseph. And they saw baby Jesus. Then shepherds went back to their sheep, praising God and thanking him for everything they had seen and heard. It was just as the angel had told them.
Note to Teacher: Romans 4:2 states that it is God’s goodness (or love) that leads people to repentance. The love of God is the foundation of the salvation in Jesus. And this love is expressed by God sending Jesus for us to bring us into God’s family and way. Everyone desires love. Preschoolers’ understanding of love is usually equated to what they are given. To the preschooler: “My mummy loves me because she bought me a toy.” In telling preschoolers that God loves them, it must be tied to the fact that God sent Jesus for them—to bring them into God’s family and way.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Jesus was born, you will learn that God loves you and sent Jesus for you.
Remember that everyone is born with their sin-heart. And it is only by having their Jesus-heart that anyone can be part of God’s family and do things God’s way. So because God loves people so much, He sent Jesus into the world for everyone.
God says in the Bible to you: God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son [Jesus]. That is why the angel told Joseph to name the baby Jesus because He would take away people’s sin-hearts and give them their Jesus-hearts.
With your sin-heart, you cannot be part of God’s family and do things God’s way. But God loves you and He wants you to be part of His family and do things His way. So God sent Jesus for you because you need your Jesus-heart. It is only by having your Jesus-heart that you can be part of God’s family and do things God’s way.
Know that God loves you and sent Jesus for you.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, thank You that Jesus was born.
Word Connection
Dear God, thank You that You love me and sent Jesus for me.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Who made Mary pregnant? Holy Spirit (God).
What name did the angel tell Joseph to call the baby? Jesus.
Whose sin-hearts did the angel tell Joseph that Jesus would take away? People’s.
How would the good news the angel told the shepherd make everyone feel? Happy.
Who did the angel tell the shepherd was born in Bethlehem? Jesus.
Did the shepherds go to Bethlehem to see the baby or not? They did.
After the shepherds saw the baby, who were they praising and thanking for everything they had seen and heard? God.
Word Connection
What heart do you need to be part of God’s family? My Jesus-heart.
What heart do you need to do things in God’s way? My Jesus-heart.
Who gave His only Son to the world because He loves us so much? God.
Who is God’s only Son? Jesus.
Does God love you or does He hate you? He loves me.
Who did God send for you because you need your Jesus-heart? Jesus.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 6—Jesus Died
The death of Jesus
Word Lesson Bible Text
Mark 8:31, 15:1-20, Romans 4:25 (CEV).
Word Truth
Jesus died to take away your sin-heart.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Jesus died on the cross.
Jesus told His followers that He would suffer and not be accepted by the leaders. Then He would be killed, and He would be alive again after three days. Jesus would die to take away people’s sin-hearts.
Shortly after, the leaders had Jesus arrested. The leaders tied him, led him away, and handed him over to Governor Pilate. The leaders lied that Jesus did many bad things. When Pilate questioned Jesus, he found out that Jesus had not done any of those things. But the leaders also got people to lie that Jesus did those things because they were jealous of Him.
Every year around that time the governor would free one prisoner—whichever one the people wanted. There was a man in prison at that time named Barabbas who had done a lot of bad things.
Pilate asked the people, “Do you want me to free Jesus?”
But the leaders persuaded the people to ask Pilate to free Barabbas, not Jesus.
Pilate asked the people again, “So what should I do with Jesus?”
The people shouted, “Kill him on a cross!”
Pilate wanted to please the people, so he set Barabbas free for them. Then he handed Jesus over to the soldiers to be killed on a cross. Pilate’s soldiers took Jesus away. The soldiers beat Jesus on His head and body many times with a stick. They spat on Him and made fun of Him. After they finished, the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross. And Jesus died. He died on the cross to take away people’s sin-hearts.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Jesus died on the cross, you will learn that Jesus died to take away your sin-heart.
Remember that God wants you to be part of His family so that you will do things in His way. But you have your sin-heart, and you sin. That is why you need your Jesus-heart. So because God loves you, He sent Jesus for you. And Jesus died on the cross to take away people’s sin-hearts.
For you to become part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way, Jesus did two things. The first thing Jesus did was to die to take away your sin-heart.
God says in the Bible to you: God gave Jesus to die for our sins. Jesus had to die on the cross for your sins. That is the only way Jesus could take away your sin-heart.
Know that Jesus died to take away your sin-heart.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, even though it is sad, thank You for letting Jesus die to take away people’s sin-hearts.
Word Connection
Dear God, thank You that Jesus died to take away my sin-heart.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Who did the leaders arrest? Jesus.
Did Jesus do all the bad things that the leaders said He did? No.
What did the people ask Pilate to do to Jesus? Kill Him.
Who beat Jesus and made fun of Him? The soldiers.
What was Jesus nailed to? The cross.
After Jesus was nailed on the cross, what happened to Him? He died.
Word Connection
Who did God give to die for your sins? Jesus.
What did Jesus die to take away? My sin-heart.
For you to become part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way, how many things did Jesus do? Two.
What did Jesus do to take away your sin-heart? He died.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 7—Jesus Became Alive
The resurrection of Jesus
Word Lesson Bible Text
Matthew 28:1-10, Romans 4:25.
Word Truth
Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Jesus became alive after He died.
Remember in the last Bible story that Jesus told His followers that He would die and come back to life on the third day.
After Jesus died on the cross, He was buried in a cave. On the third day, Mary Magdalene and another woman named Mary went to the cave.
Suddenly an angel came from the sky, and there was a huge earthquake. The angel went to the cave and rolled the stone away from the entrance. Then he sat on top of the stone. The soldiers guarding the cave were very afraid of the angel. And they fainted.
The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus, the one who was killed on the cross. But He is not here. He has risen from death, as He said He would. And go quickly and tell His followers, ‘Jesus has risen from death.’”
So the women left the cave quickly. They were afraid, but they were also very happy. As they ran to tell Jesus' followers what had happened, suddenly, Jesus was there in front of them.
Jesus said, “Hello!”
The women came up to Jesus, took hold of His feet, and praised Him.
Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Go tell My followers to go to Galilee. They will see Me there.”
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Jesus became alive again after He died, you will learn that Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart.
For you to become part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way, Jesus did two things. The first thing Jesus did was to die to take away your sin-heart. The second thing was that Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart.
You must have your heart to live. You can either have your sin-heart or your Jesus-heart. So, it was not enough for Jesus died to take away your Jesus heart. Jesus needed to become alive to give you your Jesus-heart.
With your sin-heart, you cannot be part of God’s family and you cannot do things in God’s way. But with your Jesus-heart, you will become part of God’s family and you will be able to do things in God’s way.
God says in the Bible to you: [Jesus] was raised from death to make us right with God. To be right with God, you need to be part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way. That is why God raised Jesus from death. Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart.
Know that Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, thank You that Jesus became alive.
Word Connection
Dear God, thank you that Jesus became alive to give me my Jesus-heart.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
How many women went to the cave where Jesus was buried? Two.
Who told the two women that Jesus had risen from death? An angel.
Even though the women were very afraid, were they sad or happy? Happy.
Who did the angel tell the women to go and tell that Jesus had risen from the death? His followers.
Who appeared to the women when they were on their way to tell Jesus’ followers? Jesus.
Who did Jesus tell the women that His followers will see in Galilee? Jesus.
Word Connection
Which heart is Jesus alive to give you? My Jesus-heart.
For you to become part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way, how many things did Jesus do? Two.
What was the first thing that Jesus did to take away your sin-heart? He died.
What was the second thing that Jesus did to give you your Jesus-heart? He became alive.
To be right with God, do you need to be part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way? Yes.
Which heart make you not to be part of God’s family and not to do things in God’s way? My sin-heart.
Which heart make you to be part of God’s family and do things in God’s way? My Jesus-heart.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 8—Sin-heart To Jesus-heart
Philip & the Ethiopian officer
Word Lesson Bible Text
Acts 8:26-39, 5:31, Romans 10:10 (NCV).
Word Truth
You must believe in Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Philip told an officer what to do to believe in Jesus.
An angel told Philip to walk on a certain road in the desert. So Philip went. On the road he saw an important officer from Ethiopia. This officer had gone to Jerusalem to worship. Now he was on his way home. He was sitting in his chariot reading from the Bible.
The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”
So Philip went toward the chariot, and he heard the officer reading from Bible. But the officer did not understand what he was reading from the Bible. Then he invited Philip to climb in and sit with him. Philip explained to the officer that he was reading about Jesus. Then Philip told the officer the good news about Jesus.
While they were traveling down the road, they came to some water.
The officer said, “Look, here is water! What is stopping me from being baptized?”
(People get baptized to show that they believe in Jesus.)
Philip answered, ‘If you believe with all your heart, you can.’
Then officer said, ‘I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.’
Then the officer ordered the chariot to stop. Both Philip and the officer went down into the water, and Philip baptized him. The officer believed in Jesus and God changed his sin-heart to his Jesus-heart. When they came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit took Philip away; the officer never saw him again. The officer continued on his way home. He was very happy.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Philip told an officer what to do to believe in Jesus, you will learn that you must believe in Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart.
After Philip told the officer the good news about Jesus, he wanted to be baptized. People get baptized to show that they believe in Jesus. Then Philip told the officer that he must believe in Jesus with all heart. And the officer said with his mouth that He believed in Jesus. When the officer believed in Jesus, God changed his sin-heart to his Jesus-heart. And he went home very happy.
God wants you to be part of His family so that you will do things His way. God says in the Bible to you: Through [Jesus], all people could change their hearts. You have your sin-heart, but you need your Jesus-heart. You know that Jesus died to take away your sin-heart. And you know that Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart. God can change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart.
But you must do something. You must believe in Jesus. Like the officer, you must believe in Jesus with all your heart and say with your mouth the believe in Jesus prayer.
When you believe in Jesus, God will change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart. And you will become part of God’s family so that you will start do things in God’s way.
Know that you must believe in Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, show me what to do to believe in Jesus like the officer did.
Word Connection
Note to Teacher: Use this set apart time to lead the preschoolers in the Believe in Jesus prayer. Do not force nor discourage any preschooler from participating. It is the Holy Spirit who saves. Read the article on Preschooler And Salvation.
This is how to believe in Jesus: With your heart and mouth.
God’s Word says: We believe in Jesus deep in our hearts… And we openly say that we believe in him, and so we [become part of God’s family to do things God’s way].
If you would like to believe in Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart to become part of God’s family and do things God’s way, then say with your mouth this Believe In Jesus prayer and mean it with all your heart:
Believe In Jesus Prayer
Dear God, I want to become part of Your family and do things Your way. Thank You for loving me and sending Jesus for me.
I know that Jesus died to take away my sin-heart. And I know that Jesus became alive to give me my Jesus-heart.
According to Your Word, I say with my mouth that I believe in Jesus with all my heart. God, change my sin-heart to my Jesus-heart. Thank You, God, for making me part of Your family so that I will start to do things Your way. Amen.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
What was the officer reading? The Bible.
Who did Philip explain to the officer that he was reading about? Jesus.
What did the officer ask to do when he saw the water? Be baptized.
Philip told the officer that he could be baptized if he believed with all his what? Heart.
What did the officer said that he did about Jesus being the Son of God? He believed.
After the officer was baptized, how did he feel? Happy.
Word Connection
Who can change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart? God.
What must you about Jesus for God to change your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart? Believe in Him.
Who died to take away your sin-heart and became alive to give you your Jesus-heart? Jesus.
When you believe in Jesus, what will God change your sin-heart to? Your Jesus-heart.
After you believe in Jesus and God changes your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart, do you become part of God’s family so that you will start doing things in God’s way? Yes.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 9—God’s Family
Paul & Silas in jail
Word Lesson Bible Text
Acts 16:16-34, John 1:12 (NCV).
Word Truth
When you believe in Jesus, you become part of God’s family.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Paul and Silas told the jailer and his people what to do to become part of God’s family.
A servant girl who had a spirit from the devil was following Paul and the followers of Jesus around. She kept shouting at them and continued doing this for many days. This bothered Paul, so he commanded the spirit to come out of her. Immediately, the spirit came out.
When the men who owned the servant girl saw this, they realized that they could no longer use her to make money. The owners grabbed Paul and Silas and brought them before the city officials. The owners lied that they are making trouble in the city. The officials had Paul and Silas beaten and thrown into jail. And the officials told the jailer to guard them very carefully. When the jailer heard this special order, he put Paul and Silas in chains far inside the jail.
About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing songs to God. Suddenly there was an earthquake. All the doors of the jail opened, and the chains on all the prisoners fell off. The jailer woke up and saw that the jail doors were open. He thought that the prisoners had already escaped, so he got his sword and was ready to kill himself. He thought the officials would kill him for letting the prisoners escape. But Paul shouted to the jailer not to hurt himself because they were all still there. The jailer ran inside and, shaking with fear, fell down in front of Paul and Silas.
Then he brought them outside and said, “Men, what must I do to be saved?” (To be saved is to become part of God’s family.)
They said to him, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and all who live in your house.”
Paul told the jailer and his people the good news about Jesus. Then the jailer and all his people were baptized. All the people were very happy because they now believed in Jesus and had become part of God’s family.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Paul and Silas told the jailer and his people what to do to become part of God’s family, you will learn that when you believe in Jesus, you become part of God’s family.
The jailer asked Paul what he must do to be saved or become part of God’s family. Paul told him that he must believe in Jesus. Even all the jailer’s people became part of God’s family when they also believed in Jesus.
Remember that you were born with your sin-heart. But you needed your Jesus-heart to be part of God’s family so that you will do things in God’s way. Then you said the Believe in Prayer to believe in Jesus. Now that you believe in Jesus, God has changed your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart. Like the jailer and his people, you have become part of God’s family.
God says to you in the Bible: All who… believe in [Jesus]… become children of God. This happens when you believe in Jesus, you become a child of God.
Now that you are part of God’s family, God is your Father, and you are His child. God is a good Father. He loves you and cares for you. God always wants what is best for you because He is your Father. As a child of God, you can always ask Him to help you. And He will.
Know that when you believe in Jesus, you become part of God’s family.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, thank you that like the jailer and his people, I believe in Jesus to become part of Your family.
Word Connection
Dear God, help me to always remember that You are my Father, and I am Your child.
Note to Teacher: If needed, this is another opportunity to lead the preschoolers in the Believe in Jesus prayer. See lesson 8 set apart time Word connection.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Who were thrown into jail? Paul and Silas.
Who did the officials ask to guard Paul and Silas carefully in the jail? The jailer.
Who were Paul and Silas praying and singing songs to? God.
What happened that caused all the jail doors to open and the chains to fall off all the prisoners? An earthquake.
What was the jailer ready to do to himself when he thought that all the prisoners had escaped? Kill himself.
Who asked, “What must I do to be saved?” The jailer.
To be saved means that you believe in Jesus to become part of God’s family. Yes or no? Yes.
Who did Paul and Silas tell the jailer that he must believe in to be saved? Jesus.
Word Connection
Who must you believe in to the become part of God’s family? Jesus.
When you believe in Jesus, what do you become part of? God’s family.
As part of God’s family, who is God to you? My Father.
As part of God’s family, who are you to God? His child.
Is God a good Father to you or a bad Father to you? A good Father to me.
Who loves and cares for you, and wants the best for you because He is your Father? God.
When you ask God to help, will He help you? Yes, He will.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 10—God’s Way
Peter healed the crippled man
Word Lesson Bible Text
Acts 3:1-16, Ephesians 2:10 (CEV).
Word Truth
When you believe in Jesus, you can do good things God’s way.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how God used Peter make a crippled man walk.
Outside the temple, a crippled man was there who had been unable to walk all his life. There he begged for money from the people going to the temple. That day he saw Peter and John going into the Temple. He asked them for money.
Peter and John looked at the crippled man and said, “Look at us!”
He looked at them; he thought they would give him some money.
But Peter said, “I don’t have any money, but I do have something else I can give you. By the power of Jesus Christ—stand up and walk!”
Then Peter took the man’s right hand and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and legs became strong. He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk. He went into the Temple with them. He was walking and jumping and praising God.
All the people recognized him. They knew he was the crippled man who always sat outside the temple to beg for money. Now they saw this same man walking and praising God. They were amazed. They did not understand how this could happen.
When Peter saw the people, he said to them, “Why are you surprised at this? This crippled man was made well because we trusted in Jesus. It was Jesus’ power that made him well.” Peter made well the crippled man by Jesus’ power so he could walk because that was what God wanted him to do.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how God used Peter make a crippled man walk, you will learn that when you believe in Jesus, you can do good things God’s way.
The crippled man asked Peter and John for money. It would have been a good thing for them to give him money. But Peter made well the crippled man by Jesus’ power so he could walk because that was what God wanted him to do.
Before you believed in Jesus, all the good things you did were not in God’s way because you were not yet part of God’s family. Now that you believe in Jesus and have become part of God’s family, you can start doing all the good things in God’s way. That is why God says in the Bible to you: God planned for us to do good things.
Doing bad things is definitely not God’s way. But doing good things to show off is not God’s way. Also, doing good things because you think you are better than other people is not God’s way.
Like Peter, God wants you to do good things in His way. Doing good things because God says in the Bible to do is God’s way. It is God’s way when you do good things because it is the right things to do. Also, helping someone or being kind to someone by doing good things for them is also God’s way.
So anytime you want to do a good thing, check to make sure that you are doing it in God’s way. If you are not sure of God’s way to do something, pray to ask God to show you how to do it.
Know that when you believe in Jesus, you can do good things God’s way.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, like You used Peter to make the cripple man walk, use me to do good things.
Word Connection
Dear God, help me to do good things in Your way.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
What was the crippled man who begged people for money unable to do? Walk.
What did the crippled man ask Peter and John for? Money.
What did Peter say that the crippled man should do by the power of Jesus Christ? Stand up and walk.
Who began to walk and jump? The crippled man.
Who was the man praising? God.
By whose power did Peter say made the crippled man able to walk? Jesus power.
Word Connection
When you believe in Jesus and have become part of God’s family, in Whose way will you start to do good things? God’s way.
When you do bad things, is that God’s way? No.
When you do good things to show off, is that God’s way? No.
When you do good things because you think you are better than other people, is that God’s way? No.
When you do good things because God says to do so in the Bible, is that God’s way? Yes.
When you do good things because it is the right things to do, is that God’s way? Yes.
When you do good things to help someone or be kind to someone, is that God’s way? Yes.
If you are not sure of God’s way to do something, who do you pray to ask to show you how to do it? God.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 11—Word Of God
Paul & Barnabas preached God's Word
Word Lesson Bible Text
Acts 13:13-16, 42-49, 48 (NLV).
Word Truth
You must be sure that you believe in Jesus from the Word of God.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Paul and Barnabas taught people about Jesus from the Word of God and the people believed.
In Antioch, Paul and some followers of Jesus went to the Jewish temple and sat down. The Word of God from parts of the Bible were read.
Then the leaders of the temple told Paul and Barnabas: “Brothers, if you have something to say that will help the people here, please speak.”
Paul stood up and told them from the Bible the Word of God on the good news about Jesus. As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the temple, the people asked them to come again the next week and tell them more about Jesus from the Word of God.
The following week, almost all the people in the city came together to hear the Word of God. When the Jews there saw all these people, they became very jealous. Shouting insults, they argued against everything Paul said. But Paul and Barnabas spoke very boldly.
They said, “We had to tell the Word of God about Jesus to you Jews first, but you refuse to listen. So we will now go to those who are not Jews.”
When the non-Jewish people heard Paul say this, they were happy. They listened with respect to the Word of God about Jesus, and many of them believed it. And so the Word of God about Jesus was being told throughout the whole country.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Paul and Barnabas taught people about Jesus from the Word of God and the people believed, you will learn that you must be sure that you believe in Jesus from the Word of God.
God says in the Bible to you: The people… were glad when they heard… the Word of God ...[and] believed. When Paul and Barnabas taught the people about Jesus from the Word of God, the non-Jewish people believed in Jesus. The non-Jewish people did not let the shouting that the Jewish people did bother them. The non-Jewish people were happy because they were sure that they believed in Jesus from the Word of God.
The Word of God is written in the Bible. It is written in the Word of God that God sent Jesus for you to die to take away your sin-heart. It is also written in the Word of God that Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart. You can be sure that the Word of God about Jesus is true.
It is written the Word of God that when you believe in Jesus, God changes your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart. Sometimes you are not sure that you have your Jesus-heart because of what you feel or what people say. But the way you feel or what other people say should not make you think you do not have your Jesus-heart. Because it is in the Word of God, you must be sure that God changed your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart when you believed in Jesus.
Also, it is written in the Word of God that you become part of God’s family when you believe in Jesus. At times when you do bad things, you may feel that you are no longer part of God’s family. But it was not because you did good things that made you part of God’s family. You are part of God’s family BECAUSE you believe in Jesus. Again, because it is in the Word of God, you must be sure that you became part of God’s family when you believed in Jesus.
Know that you must be sure that you believe in Jesus from the Word of God.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, like the non-Jewish people, help me to listen to the Word of God with respect and believe it.
Word Connection
Dear God, help me to remember and be sure about what the Word of God says about me.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Which book is the Word of God written in? The Bible.
Whose Word is written in the Bible? God’s Word.
Who did the leaders ask to say something to help the people? Paul and Barnabas.
Who did Paul tell the people about from the Word of God in the Bible? Jesus.
Who listen to the Word of God about Jesus with respect – the Jews or the non-Jews? The non-Jews.
How did the non-Jewish people feel about the Word of God – happy or sad? Happy.
Word Connection
Where is it written that God sent Jesus for you to die to take away your sin-heart? Word of God.
Where is it written that Jesus became alive to give you your Jesus-heart? Word of God.
Can you be sure that the Word of God about Jesus is true – yes or no? Yes.
Where is it written that when you believe in Jesus, God changes your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart? Word of God.
Should the way you feel or what other people say make you think that you do not have your Jesus-heart? No.
Can you be sure that God changed your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart when you believed in Jesus because it is written in the Word of God – yes or no? Yes.
Where is it written that you become part of God’s family when you believe in Jesus? Word of God.
Should doing bad things make you feel that you are no longer part of God’s family? No.
Can you be sure that you became part of God’s family when you believed in Jesus because it is written in the Word of God – yes or no? Yes.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 12—Follower Of Jesus
Saul encountered Jesus
Word Lesson Bible Text
Acts 9:1-22, 5:14.
Word Truth
When you believe in Jesus, you become a follower of Jesus.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how Saul became a follower of Jesus. A follower of Jesus is someone who believes in Jesus to be part of God’s family and follows Jesus to do things in God’s way.
In Jerusalem, Saul went to the high priest and asked him to send him to Damascus to find the followers of Jesus, so that he would arrest them and bring them back to Jerusalem.
As Saul came near Damascus, a very bright light from heaven suddenly shined around him.
He fell to the ground and heard a Voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul! Why are you troubling Me?”
Saul said, “Who are You, Lord?”
The Voice answered, “I am Jesus, the One you are troubling.”
(Whatever Saul was doing to the followers of Jesus, he was doing the same to Jesus.)
Then Jesus told him, “Get up now and go into the city. Someone there will tell you what you must do.”
The men traveling with Saul heard the Voice, but they saw no one. When Saul got up from the ground, he was blind. So the men with him took him to Damascus. For three days, Saul could not see.
There was a follower of Jesus in Damascus named Ananias. Jesus appeared to him, told him to go and laid his hands on Saul so that he could see again. Ananias wanted to refuse because Saul had done many bad things to the followers of Jesus.
But Jesus said to Ananias, “Go! I have chosen Saul for an important work. I want him to tell everyone about Me.”
Immediately, Ananias went and laid his hands on Saul. And He was able to see! Then Saul was baptized to show that he believed in Jesus and he was now a follower of Jesus. He became part of God’s family. He stayed with the followers of Jesus in Damascus. Soon he began to tell people about Jesus. And he started to do things in God’s way.
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how Saul became a follower of Jesus, you will learn that when you believe in Jesus, you become a follower of Jesus. A follower of Jesus is someone who believes in Jesus to be part of God’s family and follows Jesus to do things in God’s way.
When Saul believed in Jesus, he became a follower of Jesus. Saul followed Jesus by telling people about Jesus.
God says in the Bible to you: More and more people believed in [Jesus], and… were added to the [followers of Jesus]. Remember that when you said the Believe In Jesus Prayer, it was because you believe in Jesus. When you believe Jesus, God changed your sin-heart to your Jesus-heart. And you became part of God’s family.
In addition, when you believe in Jesus, you become a follower of Jesus. This means, you are to follow Jesus to do things God’s way.
Jesus knew and obeyed the Word of God. Therefore, you follow Jesus by learning God’s Word and obeying it. Jesus prayed to God. So you follow Jesus by praying to God. Jesus went around doing good things for others. This means you follow Jesus by doing good things for others.
When Jesus was in the world, He did everything in God’s way. In the same way, you follow Jesus to do everything you do in God’s way.
Know that when you believe in Jesus, you become a follower of Jesus.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, like Saul, thank You for making me a follower of Jesus.
Word Connection
Dear God, help me to follow Jesus to do things in Your way.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Is a follower of Jesus a person who believes in Jesus to be part of God’s family and follows Jesus to do things in God’s way – yes or no? Yes.
Who wanted to go to Damascus to find and arrest the followers of Jesus? Saul.
Who spoke to Saul from the bright light? Jesus.
What happened to Saul for three days? He was blind.
What did Jesus tell Ananias to do to Saul so that he would see again? Lay hands on him.
Jesus said that He had chosen Saul for an important work of telling people about who? Jesus.
Who did Saul become a follower of? Jesus.
Word Connection
When you believe in Jesus, what do you become to Jesus? A follower.
Is a follower of Jesus a person who believes in Jesus to be part of God’s family and follows Jesus to do things in God’s way – yes or no? Yes.
Does being a follower of Jesus make you part of God’s family – yes or no? Yes.
As a follower of Jesus, Who do you follow to do things in God’s way? Jesus.
When Jesus was in the world, in which way did He do things? God’s way.
Jesus obeyed God’s Word. As a follower of Jesus, what do you do about God’s Word? Obey it.
Jesus prayed to God. As a follower of Jesus, Who do you pray to? God.
Jesus went around doing good things for others. As a follower, what should you do for others? Good things.
Jesus did everything in God’s way. As a follower of Jesus, in Whose way do you do everything? God’s way.
This lesson is from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Curriculum
Click here on how to use the lesson plan effectively.
Lesson 13—God With You
Peter escaped from jail
Word Lesson Bible Text
Acts 12:1-11, Hebrews 13:5 (CEV).
Word Truth
When you believe in Jesus, God is always with you.

Word Lesson
Word Story
This Bible story is about how God sent an angel to Peter in jail to help him escape.
King Herod began to do harm to some of those who were followers of Jesus. He ordered James, the brother of John, to be killed with a sword. Herod saw that many of the Jews liked this, so he decided to arrest Peter too. He arrested Peter and put him in jail, where he was guarded by a group of 16 soldiers.
One night, Peter, bound with two chains, was sleeping between two of the soldiers. More soldiers were guarding the door of the jail. Herod was planning to bring Peter out before the people to kill him the next day.
Suddenly an angel of God was standing there, and the room was filled with light. The angel tapped Peter on the side and woke him up.
The angel said, “Hurry, get up!”
The chains fell off Peter’s hands.
The angel said, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.”
Peter did as he was told.
Then the angel said, “Put on your coat and follow me.”
The angel led Peter past all the guards and through the gates out of the jail. Peter thought he was dreaming. After the angel left him, Peter realized then that God had really helped him to escape.
Peter thought, “Now I know that God really sent His angel to me. He rescued me from Herod and from everything those Jews thought would happen to me.”
Word Connection
From the Bible story about how God sent an angel to Peter in jail to help him escape, you will learn that when you believe in Jesus, God is always with you.
Now that you believe in Jesus, God says in the Bible to you: [God] has promised that He will not leave us. Everything God says is true. God promises never to leave you, so you can be sure that God will always be with you no matter what.
Whether you are happy or sad, God is always with you. Whether you are alone and afraid or surrounded by friends, God is always with you. When you are at home, at school, at church, at the park or anywhere, God is always with you. Even when things go wrong, you can be sure that God is still with you. Even if you do not feel that He is with you, God is still with you.
Know that when you believe in Jesus, God is always with you.

Set Apart Time
Word Story
Dear God, thank You for helping Peter. Help me too when I am in trouble.
Word Connection
Dear God, help me to always remember that you are with me every time and everywhere.

Follow Up Questions
Word Story
Who did Herod arrest and put in jail? Peter.
How many guards were guarding Peter in jail? 16.
Who did God sent to Peter in jail? An angel.
What fell off Peter’s hand? Chains.
Who did the angel lead out of jail? Peter.
Who did Peter say sent the angel to help him escape from jail? God.
Word Connection
What did God promise not to do to you? Leave me.
Who is always with you? God.
When you are happy or sad, Who is always with you? God.
When you are alone and afraid or surrounded by friends, Who is always with you? God.
When you are at home, at school, at church, at the park or anywhere, Who is always with you? God.
Is God still with you when things go wrong? Yes.
Even if you do not feel that God is with you, is He still with you or not? He is.