Preschoolers Lesson Activities

The lesson activities on this page are from the
Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
These are fun activities to reinforce the Word lesson
of the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus
Curriculum lessons.
How to Use the Preschoolers Lesson Activities
The preschoolers lesson activities are follow up activities for the lessons on the Preschoolers Lessons page. Instructions are given for the teacher on organizing lively and engaging activities to build on the Word lesson for the preschoolers collectively, in teams or individually to take part in. Some are well known games that have been modified for the lesson.
The purpose for the activity, preparation before class and class activity with examples where necessary are presented. These activities require some preparation on the part of the teacher. Most of the materials needed are printable templates from the Preschoolers Believe In Jesus Teaching Resources Download and easy to get household materials.
Preschoolers Lesson Activities
Animal sounds
Follow up activity for Lesson 1—God Made You
Download: Animal Pictures.
Click here for the download.
Purpose: To show that animals are part of God’s creation.
Download and print the animal pictures.
Class Activity
Show the preschoolers the picture of an animal and have them make the corresponding sound.
Alternatively, you may use the YouTube video on animal sounds to make the sound and let the preschoolers guess the animal.
Cat: meow
Dog: ruff-ruff or woof-woof
Cow: moo-moo or moo
Chicken: bock-bock or bah-bah
Sheep: baa-baa or baa
Horse: neigh-neigh
Pig: oink-oink or oy-oy
Frog: ribbit or ibbi-ibbi
Duck: quack or wah-wah
Goat: meh-meh
Shape House
Follow up activity for Lesson 2—Born With Sin-heart
Purpose: To show obedience by following instructions.
Have enough papers and pencils for the class.
Class Activity
Provide each preschooler with a paper and pencil. Have them draw a picture of a shape house by following your instructions using shapes. See the shape house illustration.
Note: as you give them the instructions, you may draw the shapes on the board to let the preschoolers have a visual of what you want them to draw and where to position the shapes.
1. Draw a big rectangle in the lower part of the paper.
2. Draw a triangle on top of the rectangle.
3. Draw a rectangle in the lower middle of the rectangle.
4. Draw 2 squares in the top half of the rectangle.
Shape House Illustration

Memory Game
Follow up activity for Lesson 3—Because Of Sin-heart
Download: Animal Cards.
Click here for the download.
Purpose: To highlight the animals in Noah’s big boat.
Download, print and cut out the animal cards.
Note: Depending on the number of preschoolers, print as many copies as needed for them to play 2 or 3 rounds.
Class Activity
Mix up the animal cards, lay them in rows face down. Have the preschoolers take turns to choose any two cards to turn over. If the two cards match, they keep them and keep playing. If they do not match, they turn them back over and the next preschooler gets a turn. The preschooler with the most pairs of cards wins.
Note: if you have a large class, divide the preschoolers into small group to play the game.
Matching game
Follow up activity for Lesson 4—Need Your Jesus-heart
Download: Children Cards.
Click here for the download.
Purpose: To show that the good news of Jesus is for everyone in the world.
Download the children cards. Print enough copies for the preschoolers in the class. And cut out the cards.
Note: Using a color printer is a better option if you have it.
Class Activity
Before starting this activity, let the children know the purpose of it.
Put the original children’s cards in a container and all the other children colored outline cards scattered face up on the ground in a large open area. Have each preschooler pick an original child card from the container.
The goal is to pick out all the matching child colored outline cards from the ground. The first preschooler to pick all the correct matching cards is the winner.
Note: If the class open space is small, you may play the game in batches.
Baby Jesus Craft
Follow up activity for Lesson 5—God Loves You
Download: Baby Jesus Craft Template.
Click here for the download.
Purpose: To remind about the love of God through sending baby Jesus.
Download the baby Jesus craft template and print enough copies for the preschoolers plus yours.
Cut out the wrap square template. Glue the baby Jesus template to a thicker paper or cardboard and cut out.
Class Activity
Have the preschoolers color the blank side of the wrap square. Place the baby Jesus aligned to the line on the print side. Have them fold the bottom up, the right side and the left side to get the wrapped baby Jesus. See the folding illustration.
Folding Illustration

Cross Craft
Follow up activity for Lesson 6—Jesus Died
Purpose: To show that Jesus died on the cross.
Get ready 2 popsicle sticks (or any type of craft sticks) and a piece of yarn for each preschooler plus your own.
Class Activity
Have the preschoolers form a cross with the 2 sticks. Then wrap the piece of yarn around and crisscross it, until the sticks are in place.
Note: have them leave enough piece before the wrapping to use for tying it when done wrapping.
Then tie the yarn in the back.
Get ready A4 Paper and a piece of yarn for each preschooler plus your own.
Class Activity
Depending on the size of the cross, use either A4 size paper or half of A4 size paper. To make a more attractive cross, use sheet of old colored magazine or cut up wrapping paper or get the children to design the paper before use.
Folding Instructions
1. Fold and cut the paper in equal halves.
2. Roll up one half of the paper along the shorter side and set it aside. Put a weigh on it to keep it folded.
3. Then roll up the other half of the paper along the longer side.
4. Join the 2 rolled up paper together to form a cross.
5. Then use the yarn/thread to fasten them together.
See the folding illustration.
Folding Illustration

Dance Celebration
Follow up activity for Lesson 7—Jesus Became Alive
Purpose: To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
Class Activity
Teach the preschoolers the Jesus is alive song. If you don’t know the song, there is a YouTube video of the song by Cedarmont kids.
Then have a dance celebration with the preschoolers singing the song.
Jesus Is Alive Song Lyrics
Alive, alive, alive for evermore
My Jesus is alive, alive for evermore
Alive, alive, alive for evermore
My Jesus is alive
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
My Jesus is alive for evermore
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
My Jesus is alive
(Repeat all)
My Jesus is alive
Paper Guesser Game
Follow up activity for Lesson 8—Sin-heart To Jesus-heart
Download: Paper Guesser Template.
Click here for the download.
Purpose: To show a visual of the sin-heart and Jesus-heart.
Download the template for the paper guesser. Print and make as many paper guessers for half of the preschoolers in your class plus your own.
Instructions for making the paper guesser:
Cut out the square template.
With the blank side on top, fold the top corner of paper to form a triangle.
Fold the triangle paper from corner to corner, making a smaller triangle.
Unfold everything -- you'll have a square of paper with an X crease.
Fold the corner to the center of the square (where the X crosses) for all four corners. and you end up with a smaller square with the printed side showing.
Flip the square paper over and fold all four corners to the center of the square.
Now fold and unfold the square in half both ways - bottom edge to the top, and left edge to the right.
Open up the bottom of the paper guesser and push out the flaps to slide 4 fingers into them to move the flaps with your fingers back and forth.
Class Activity
Before starting, give the class a demonstration of how to open/close the paper guesser (by pulling the flaps back and forth). Pair up the preschoolers and give each pair a paper guesser. Have one preschooler pick a number (1-8) and the other preschooler open/close the paper guesser the corresponding number of times. Then first the preschooler picks a number on one of the inside tabs and guesses which heart is underneath the number – sin-heart or Jesus-heart.
If they guess wrong, they continue playing the guesser game until the first preschooler guess right or they have played it three times. But if they guess right or after the third round, then the pair switches places to play the guess.
Note: For each of the three rounds, a different number must be picked.
“I am…” Game
Follow up activity for Lesson 9—God’s Family
Download: People Cards.
Click here for the download.
Purpose: To identify people who are part of God’s family and why.
Download, print and cut up the people cards. Make enough cards for the preschoolers in your class. Fold the cards and put in a container.
Class Activity
Pass the container around and let each preschooler pick a card. Have the preschoolers take turns to come in front of the class and do a mini presentation. You should start the preschoolers off by doing the first presentation.
Presentation Example
Each preschooler identifies the person in the card and say, “I am a [carpenter]. I am part of God’s family.”
Let the class ask, “Why?”
And the preschooler must answer, “Because I believe in Jesus.”
Depending on the maturity of the preschoolers, you may have them say more about their card people.
For example, “I am a [carpenter]. I build houses. I am part of God’s family.”
Blindfold Game
Follow up activity for Lesson 10—God’s Way
Purpose: To play a game that depicts following a specific way to reinforcing doing good things God’s way.
Get two materials for blindfold. Design two obstacle courses with some empty standing cans in a large open space in the class for the game.
Class Activity
Tell the preschoolers the purpose of the game as it relates to the lesson.
Divide the class into two teams. Assign an animal to each team – a cat or a pig (those are two animals with very distinct sounds: meow-meow and oink-oink).
From each team, pick two preschoolers to start a round at the beginning of each obstacle courses. Have both preschoolers go down on all four in a crawling position in front of each other without touching. Blindfold the preschooler at the back.
When you yell “Go” the animal preschooler (preschooler in front) will start making the noises that their team’s chosen animal makes. They can’t use words, only animal noises. And there can be no touching. Each animal preschooler will attempt to guide their blindfolded partner through their obstacle course.
The first team to complete their obstacle course without knocking down any cans is the winner of the round. If both teams knock down their cans, then the team with the least amount of can knocked down wins the round.
Reset the obstacle course and pick another set of two preschoolers from each team to start the next round. Continue until all the preschoolers have had a turn.
Song – The B-I-B-L-E
Follow up activity for Lesson 11—Word Of God
Purpose: To reaffirm trust in the Bible as the Word of God.
Class Activity
Teach the preschoolers the song: The B-I-B-L-E.
If you don’t know the song, there is a YouTube video of the song by Heritage kids.
The B-I-B-L-E Song Lyrics
The B-I-B-L-E
Yes, that’s the book for me!
I stand alone on the Word of God.
The B-I-B-L-E
I stand alone on the Word of God.
The B-I-B-L
Jesus Says ... This Way Game
Follow up activity for Lesson 12—Follower Of Jesus
Download: Jesus Says ...This Way Game Cards.
Click here for the download.
Purpose: To demonstrate through game about following Jesus by doing exactly as He did.
Download, print and cut out the Jesus Says ...This Way game cards. Make enough cards for the preschoolers in your class. Fold the cards and put in a container.
Class Activity
This is a modified version of the Simon says game. Let the preschoolers know the purpose of the game.
Pass the container around and let each preschooler pick a card. Have the preschoolers take turns to come in front of the class and do their version of the movement. The rest of the class then mimic the exact movement.
You should start the preschoolers off by doing the first movement.
Jesus Says ...This Way List
Jesus says: Act like you are driving a car …this way.
Jesus says: Clap your hands …this way.
Jesus says: Do a silly dance …this way.
Jesus says: Do jumping jacks …this way.
Jesus says: Flap your arms like a bird …this way.
Jesus says: Hop on your feet …this way.
Jesus says: Jump up and down …this way.
Jesus says: Make circles with your arms …this way.
Jesus says: Pat your belly …this way.
Jesus says: Pat your head …this way.
Jesus says: Put your hands on your hips and shake …this way.
Jesus says: Run in place …this way.
Jesus says: Shake your hands …this way.
Jesus says: Skip around …this way.
Jesus says: Turn around in a circle …this way.
Jesus says: Walk on your tip toes …this way.
Jesus says: Wave both hands in the air …this way.
Jesus says: Wiggle your fingers …this way.
With Me! Game
Follow up activity for Lesson 13—God With You
Purpose: To demonstrate how God can be with you even when you don’t see it.
Get a small soft toy or ball for the game
Class Activity
Let the preschoolers know the purpose of the game. Have the preschoolers sit on the floor in a circle facing each other. Tell them to close their eyes and count 1 to 10. As they count, walk silently around them, and drop the soft toy/ball behind a preschooler.
When they finish count, have them open their eyes. Then instruct them to reach behind them for the toy/ball. Whoever has the ball should hold it up and shout, “With me!”
Take the toy/ball back and keep dropping it behind a preschooler until all the preschoolers have had a turn finding it behind them.