What I Believe

"Just like adults,
children need to be discipled from
the Word of God,
so they can grow spiritually...
I minister to children
to be SET APART by the truth of God's Word
o live for God."
Just like adults, children need to be discipled from the Word of God, so they can grow spiritually. As a result, all the materials I have written for children, including the exciting Bible-based curriculums, are based on solid biblical truths or “the meat of God’s Word” broken down into as many bite-sizes as are needed to aid their level of understanding and comprehension.
My life, ministry and my writings are based these foundational truths:
- The Bible is the Word of God. I believe it and live by it.
- God the Father is my heavenly Father and the creator of all things for His own pleasure.
- God the Son is Jesus Christ who died to save me from sin and rose again so I can live for God.
- God the Holy Spirit is my Teacher and Guide.
- I was a sinner and I needed to believe in Jesus to be saved from my sins.
- Jesus is my Savior and Lord.
- Now that I am saved, I must live for God in all I think, say and do.
- I minister to children to be SET APART by the truth of God's Word to live for God.