1-6 Graders
Graders Word Seed Activities

The Word seed (or memory verse) activities on this page are from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
These are fun activities to teach the Word seed
of the Believe In Jesus Curriculum lessons.
How to Use the Graders Word Seed Activities
These are fun exercises to teach the children the Word seed from the graders lessons. For each Word seed, an explanation, especially as it relates to the lesson, is provided. Also, it is helpful for the children to understand the Word seed they will be memorizing. Their understanding will aid their motivation to learn it.
In teaching the children the Word seed, you must commit to learning the Bible verse along with them. To make the Word seed memorization effective and interesting, instructions to the teacher on the recitation exercises which incorporate different actions for different parts are given.
The Word seed is divided into sizable chunks that can be memorized easily or/and allow for exciting movements. Each part is preceded or proceeded by the action (in bold) for it.
Read the article on Teaching Children Word Seed.
Graders Word Seed Activities
John 3:16 (NIV) - Song
Psalm 139:14 (NCV) - Sound Motion
Romans 5:12 (NLT) - Numbers Counting
Romans 6:23 (NCV) - The Wave
Hebrews 7:27 (NIV) - Stand, Sit
Romans 3:25 (NCV) - Volume Wave
Romans 6:4 (NCV) - Hand Motion
Acts 16:31 (NCV) - Double claps
Romans 10:13 (NCV) - Speed Talking/Jogging
Acts 5:14 (ERV) - Turning Right
Acts 5:31 (NCV) - Butterfly Cycle
Ephesians 2:10 (ERV) - Body Touching
Hebrews 13:5 (CEV) - March And Salute
John 3:16 (NIV) - Song
Word seed activity for Lesson 1—God Loves You
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life—John 3:16 (NIV).
This is possibly the most popular Bible verse. It talks about how much God loves you (and everyone) that He was willing to give His one and only Son Jesus to save you from your sins to live for Him. To perish means to be destroyed forever and this is what your sins do: separating you from God and making you unable to live for Him. But God wants you to have eternal life, which is to know Him and His Son Jesus, and live for Him. However, having this eternal life is only for you if you believe in Jesus to be saved from your sins to live for God.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed using song. This is one of those Word seed that every child should know and remember for life. The easiest and most effective way to achieve this is through turning the Word seed into a song.
There is a YouTube video of the song by Awana Clubs International.
John 3:16 Song Lyrics
For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish
but have eternal life
John 3:16.
Psalm 139:14 (NCV) - Sound Motion
Word seed activity for Lesson 2—God Made You
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.
What you have done is wonderful—Psalm 139:14 (NCV).
Psalm 139 is one of the songs written by King David. King David described the interest God had in him and how very well God knew him because He made him. When God made man in the beginning, He made man special like Himself to live for Him. David knew this, so he praised God for making him in an amazing and wonderful way.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by using sound motion actions.
Divide the Word seed into 4 parts and sound motions for the recital. Have the children make the sound motion for each part throughout the recital.
Hands tapping on thighs: I praise You because.
Feet stumping: You made me in an amazing and wonderful way.
Finger snapping: What You have done is wonderful.
Hand clapping: Psalm 139:14.
Romans 5:12 (NLT) - Numbers Counting
Word seed activity for Lesson 3—How Sin Started
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death,
so death spread to everyone—Romans 5:12 (NLT)
Sin entered the world when Adam sinned. Before Adam sinned, nobody and nothing died. The result of Adam’s sin was death. This death was not just dying, it was also separation from God and being unable to live for Him anymore. And the death (dying, separation from God and being unable to live for Him) spread to everyone.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by counting one to ten.
Divide the Word seed into 5 parts for the recital. Have the children clap as they count the numbers.
One, Two: When Adam sinned.
Three, Four: Sin entered the world.
Five, Six: Adam’s sin brought death.
Seven, Eight: So death spread to everyone.
Nine, Ten: Romans 5:12.
Romans 6:23 (NCV) - The Wave
Word seed activity for Lesson 4—Sins Separate
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever
in Christ Jesus our Lord—Romans 6:23 (NCV).
The payment for (or the result of) your sins is death. This death means dying, separation from God and being unable to live for Him. Life is the opposite of death. Therefore, life forever in Christ Jesus is to believe in Jesus to be saved from your sins, to be with God always and live for Him.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by mimicking the wave at a sports game.
A wave starts with a group in one section standing up, lifting their hands in the air, sitting down and putting their hands down. Then immediately, the group in the next section does the same motions, then the next section group takes up the same motion and does it, etc.
Divide the class into 4 groups. If possible, rearrange the seating formation into a circle. Then divide the Word seed into 4 parts. To make the wave more effective and to save time, teach the entire class the complete Word seed before using it for the wave.
Group 1 does the wave as it recites: The payment for sin is death.
Group 2 does the wave as it recites: But God gives us the free gift of life.
Group 3 does the wave as it recites: Forever in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Group 4 does the wave as it recites: Romans 6:23.
Once you have completed the wave with the Word seed a couple of time, rotate the group and Word seed parts combination. That is, instead of group 1, group 2 recite the first part, group 3 second part, etc. Continue the rotation until group 4 starts the first part.
Hebrews 7:27 (NIV) - Stand, Sit
Word seed activity for Lesson 5—Lamb Of God
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
He does not need to offer sacrifices day after day.
[Jesus] sacrificed for their sins once for all when He offered Himself—Hebrews 7:27 (NIV).
Before Jesus died to save people from their sins, animal sacrifice was needed to cover their sins so that they could go to God. God sent Jesus as the Lamb of God to be sacrificed through His death on the cross to take away sins. And that one sacrifice was enough to save everyone, who believes in Him, from their sins to live for God.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by having the children alternate between standing up and sitting down while reciting it.
To make it more engaging, divide the Word seed into 8 parts so that the children can stand and sit many times during the recitation.
Stand: He does not need.
Sit: To offer sacrifices.
Stand: day after day.
Sit: [Jesus] sacrificed.
Stand: For their sins.
Sit: Once for all.
Stand: When He offered Himself.
Sit: Hebrews 7:27.
Romans 3:25 (NCV) - Volume Wave
Word seed activity for Lesson 6—Jesus Died
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
God sent Him to die in our place to take away our sins.
We receive forgiveness through faith in the blood of Jesus' death—Romans 3:25 (NCV).
Remember that sin leads to death and only the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God, can take away sin. And that is why God sent Jesus to die in your place to take away your sins. To receive forgiveness from God for your sins, you must believe in Jesus: that He died for YOU!
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by having the children change their voice volume as they recite it.
Let them start in a whisper, speak normally, shout on top of their voices, speak normally, and end in a whisper. Or you may have them alternate between whispering and shouting.
Divide the Word seed into 5 parts.
Whisper: God sent Him to die in our place.
Normal (or shout): to take away our sins.
Shout (or whisper): We receive forgiveness through faith.
Normal (or shout): in the blood of Jesus' death.
Whisper: Romans 3:25.
Romans 6:4 (NCV) - Hand Motion
Word seed activity for Lesson 7—God Raised Jesus
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
So, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the wonderful power of the Father,
we also can live a new life—Romans 6:4 (NCV).
Jesus died on the cross so that you can be saved from your sins. And God raised Jesus from the dead so that you can have a new life to live for God. To live for God means doing things His way. And this is possible only by the power that God used to raise Jesus from the dead.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed using hand motions to depict key concepts in the Word seed.
These key concepts in the Word seed are raising from the dead, power, new life and the Bible.
Divide the Word seed into 4 parts.
(Raising from the dead) Place hands on top of each other horizontally and separate them as you raise them up vertically: So, just as Christ was raised from the dead.
(Power) Flex your arms and alternate lifting them up and down: By the wonderful power of the Father.
(New life) Wave your hands in the air: We also can live a new life.
(Bible) Put hands together and open with palms facing up: Romans 6:4.
Acts 16:31 (NCV) - Double claps
Word seed activity for Lesson 8—To Be Saved
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and all the people in your house”
—Acts 16:31 (NCV).
Paul and Silas told the jailer and his family to believe in Jesus to be saved after the jailer asked them what he must do to be saved.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by having the children do double claps before each part recital.
Divide the Word seed into 5 parts.
Double claps: Believe in the Lord Jesus.
Double claps: And you will be saved.
Double claps: You and all the people.
Double claps: In your house.
Double claps: Acts 16:31.
Romans 10:13 (NCV) - Speed Talking/Jogging
Word seed activity for Lesson 9—God’s Word Promises
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
As the Scripture says, "Anyone who calls on the Lord will be saved."
—Romans 10:13 (NCV).
This was a quote from the Old Testament that Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans. The Scripture is another name for the Bible or God’s Word. And when God’s Word says something, then it is a promise that it will happen. Anyone is any person at all—young or old, male or female, any race, etc. The Lord is Jesus. To call on the Lord means to believe in Jesus. In other words, the Word seed means that God’s Word promises any person at all who believes in Jesus will be saved from their sins to live for Him.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by getting the children to recite and jogging on the spot in sync.
Start at a normal speed of talking/jogging and gradually increase the speed.
Divide the Word seed into 4 parts to teach them.
Speed Talking/Jogging: As the Scripture says.
Speed Talking/Jogging: Anyone who calls on the Lord.
Speed Talking/Jogging: Will be saved.
Speed Talking/Jogging: Romans 10:13.
Acts 5:14 (ERV) - Turning Right
Word seed activity for Lesson 10—Believer Through Jesus
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
More and more people believed in the Lord [Jesus],
and many men and women were added to the group of believers—Acts 5:14 (ERV).
When the people saw Peter and the other apostles performing miracles and healing the sick, they believed in Jesus to be saved from their sins to live for God. So they became believers who joined the other believers.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed to the children by having them turning to their right as they recite it.
Divide the Word seed into 6 parts.
Turn right: More and more people believed.
Turn right: In the Lord [Jesus].
Turn right: And many men and women.
Turn right: Were added to.
Turn right: The group of believers.
Turn right: Acts 5:14.
Acts 5:31 (NCV) - Butterfly Cycle
Word seed activity for Lesson 11—God Changes You
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
Through [Jesus], all people could change their hearts and lives
and have their sins forgiven—Acts 5:31 (NCV).
As a believer, God changes you by forgiving and cleansing your sin-filled heart from your sins through the blood of Jesus and giving you His mighty power to live your life for Him. So that through all that Jesus did for you, you can change your heart and life and have your sins forgiven so that you can live for God.
Recitation Activity
Teach the children the Word seed by imitating the changes in the butterfly.
Divide the Word seed into 4 parts and use the four motions to represent the life cycle stages in the butterfly.
(Egg) Fold arms around the chest: Through [Jesus] all people.
(Caterpillar) Move hands up and down in crawling motion: Could change their hearts and lives.
(Cocoon) Keep still with hands by the side: And have their sins forgiven.
(Butterfly) Flap hands up and down in a flying motion: Acts 5:31.
Ephesians 2:10 (ERV) - Body Touching
Word seed activity for Lesson 12—God Makes New
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives
doing the good things He had already planned for us to do—Ephesians 2:10 (ERV).
You are in Christ when you are a believer. As a believer, God makes you a new person on the inside so that you can do good things. And God has already planned the way you should live for Him including the good things He wants you to do. As you read His Word, you will learn about the good things God planned for you to do for Him.
Recitation Activity
Teach the Word seed by having the children touch with both hands to different parts of their bodies in downwards to upwards motion.
Divide the Word seed into 7 parts. And as they recite each part, let them touch the corresponding body parts. To make it more fun, you can alternate the recitation speed—fast or slow.
Touch head: In Christ Jesus.
Touch shoulders: God made us new people.
Touch knees: So that we would spend our lives.
Touch toes: Doing the good things.
Touch knees: He had already planned.
Touch shoulders: For us to do.
Touch head: Ephesians 2:10.
Hebrews 13:5 (CEV) - March And Salute
Word seed activity for Lesson 13—God With You
from the Believe In Jesus Teacher Guide
Word Seed
The Lord has promised that He will not leave us or desert us—Hebrews 13:5 (CEV).
As a believer, God will be with you always. He promises to remain with you and not abandon you.
Recitation Activity
Teach the children the Word seed by having them march a few paces forward and backward and end with a salute.
Have the children line up in rows with enough spaces between each row for the march and each other for arm swings.
Divide the Word seed into 4 parts.
March forward: The Lord has promised.
March backward: That He will not leave us.
March forward: Or desert us.
Salute: Hebrews 13:5.